
Avalanche Bushing confusion


Apr 17, 2003
I recently order some new bushings for my avalanche rear shock.

3 sets of bushings i asked for. i asked for 3 since im in the uk and it made sense to stock up.

now when i've ordered bushings from mojo in the uk a set comes as 2x inserts and 2 DUs.

from avalanche i recieved 3 DUs and 3 mystereious slivers of metal the purpose of which i cannot fathom.

1.whos at fault here, wasn't i clear enough or did avalanche make a mistake?
2. will replacing just the DUs be ok , i always assumed it was best to replace both the insert and the du at the same time?
3. what the hell are those silver bits for?

someone aleviate my confusion!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Santiago du Chili
the mystery part is shim stock

you will need these in case you have ovalized the shock eyelet, its a patch but it can work wonders if you are in a pinch and can actually last pretty long if you learn the lesson and never ride the bike with play in the bushings or bent shock bolts.