I was going excellent till I went out and bought a house. Now I'm not eating right (not having a stove @ the moment does not help AT ALL!!) , sleeping right, or getting to the health club as often. Right now I'm just trying to maintain my current mass until I can get my life back in order here. Ugh....I'm a homeowner...what's wrong with me?
we replaced some old electric thing w/ a gas stove as well. that is what took so long, the city had to bring gas from down the street. while the work they did only took two days, it took months I guess to do the paperwork and a couple of thousand bucks to get them to do it......
then we had to get someone to bring the gas INTO the house. I can do wiring and stuff but gas I'll leave to the pro's.
YAY! Gas pipe is in and ready for the stove tomorrow. Now only if the 120v electric were already ran for the hood and stove. :O\ poo tah that! ....still have to upgrade the electric. Can you say money pit?!
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