
Braun Wham Bam Thank You Jam!

May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
It's invite only beacuse there is no room for any spectators. There is not room for all the riders to be in there at once. That is the reason for lack of directions. Love Hucker Steve dont forget to come to the GHY comp. starting at 6pm. There is going to be some big names attending.
^^ big names. . . . . elaboration would be nice, lol.

ill just find out when i get there

PS. why would that bowl comp. be posted on pinkbike if they didnt want/allow any spectators?
from what I understand, its for the invited guys to come play ...somewhere...warm up then go to the skate barn comp. Even if you guys went you couldnt see anything due to the location and lack of room....and the magic ticket..Oh wait, thats Willy Wonka:cheers:


Mar 15, 2006
check out matchvideozine.com or tonicfab.com and theres some stuff about it, also there's some sick pics of Tonic riders Billy and Guy who are locals you can check out. But yea, its pretty super secret stuff goin down, should be rad.