
EBRPD to Meet with Local Cyclists Tue. July 29th, 7-9PM


Sep 15, 2006
East Bay
EBRPD has invited the mountain biking community to discuss issues of mutual interest on the evening of July 29th from 7 to 9 PM at the Trudeau Center in Oakland. As you may have heard, the EBRPD Board of Directors is considering placing a new bond measure on the ballot in 2008 that would extend Measure AA by providing new funding for Regional Park land acquisition, new park and trail development, habitat restoration and rehabilitation of aging park facilities. BTCEB has been a strong supporter of increased land acquisition and preservation over our 20+ year history. However, the Districts refusal to engage in a meaningful discussion with cyclists has become untenable when the needs of cyclists continue to go unmet, or worse, are completely ignored.

Unfortunately during the last 20 years, there has not been any significant enhancement in EBRPD for off-road cyclists. Most cyclists want the same experience as other park users, a connection with nature, an escape from the urban environment, fun, exercise, and a sense of belonging.
Like most trail users cyclists prefer narrow trails. Whether one is hiking, running or riding a bike, users want to experience a close connection to nature, to be immersed in the natural world on narrow intimate trails. The experience just isn't the same on a wide fire road. While roads usually push straight through or over the hills, singletrack trails tend to wind around obstacles and blend into the surrounding environment. Many singletrack enthusiasts also seek a high degree of challenge that can not be found on ranch roads. Intermediate and advanced riders need more length and difficult trails to keep them interested. New types of riding such as free riding, downhilling and mountain unicyclists need different types of accommodation in the way trails and obstacles are built.

Please join us July 29th to share your input with District staff on how the Mt. biking experience can be enhanced throughout the EBRPD.
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Sep 15, 2006
East Bay
In the time since I originally posted this message, EBRPD has also cut off mountain bikes to completing the popular East Ridge/West Ridge loop during a fire fuel load mitigation effort. The work is being done on the East Ridge "trail" and while other user groups can bypass the segment of closed trails, mountain bikes are simply just not allowed.

Please take this survey to help us better represent your voice: http://app.icontact.com/icp/sub/survey/start?sid=1225&cid=212590.

We need to have a collective bargaining voice when it comes to what we want to see come from the money we as taxpayers will have to pay if the Measure AA Extension passes. Now is the time to tell the District what services we as mountain bikers want in our parks.

If you are not able to attend the meeting but have a request, please send any requests either directly to your Ward Directors or to me - dan@btceb.org.