

The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Trump is winning at teh Prez Game

So I don't know why the 43% of y'all are still not happy. Can't you feel 'Murica getting greaterer again?
That's significantly (beyond the margin of error) higher than Gallup is showing.


Gallup must be fake news.
That article posted by @jimmydean is some cherry picked, bullshit, FAKE NEWS!!!! Which not ought to surprise anyone, given that it's "The Federalist".

If you follow the links all the way down the rabbit hole to the OG Politico article, you get this gem:
Similarly, the POLITICO/Morning Consult survey also shows more positive opinions of the job Drumpf is doing as president. In the new poll, 52 percent of voters approve of Drumpf’s job performance, while more than the 43 percent disapprove. But, on balance, most polls show more disapprove than approve of the job Drumpf is doing.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I am thinking this smells more and moar like a plant. Trump let "slip" a couple pages that showed he paid some taxes FOREVER ago and now we should all shut up. Why MSNBC made such a huge stink about 2 pages of a dated return is still a little odd, but ratings don't make themselves.
Agreed. This reeks of "please forget about the whole Russia thing".


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
...and the grab 'em by the pussy thing, the insulting Gold Star families thing, the skanky wife using the White House for profit thing, the make shit up as you go along thing...the wall thing, the take away your health care thing...the insane military budget thing, the making the US a laughing stock among other nations thing, the my daughter is hot thing, the 3 wives and numerous affairs but I am so moral thing, the 2d Amendment people/(S)Hilary Clinton thing...the tiny hands thing...the born on 3d base but thinks he hit a triple thing...

And the thing thing...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Trump’s proposal to slash fuel economy regulations to help the American Automotive industry is at best a short sighted and will likely hurt US manufacturers in the long term. Regulations affect manufacturers equally, if it hurt US companies it is only because they lack the competitiveness to succeed. They are unwilling to invest in technology and actually make a better product. Allowing them will actually hurt US jobs. Manufacturers will no longer need to invest in research, no need to hire the scientists and engineers to develop new powertrains. No need to invest in new factories and manufacturing systems, no need to retool existing factories. That in itself will cost many many jobs. However this will pad corporate profits, but only for a while. While US manufacturers sit on their asses other companies will still be developing cleaner and more efficient powertrains for other markets, and when oil prices rise once again, and they will, US manufactures once again will be stuck with a big and inefficient product line with shitty small efficient cars. Consumers will once again flock to the Japanese cars and the Chryslers of the world will once again get caught with their pants down.

My tinfoil hat analysis is that this isn’t just some incompetent and short sighted attempt to help US manufacturing, but a poorly veiled attempt to help out the petroleum industry that has deeply infiltrated our government. An industry that sees it’s stranglehold on the world economy going away. The guys know that they are becoming obsolete and they are doing everything they can to maintain their slipping relevance for another decade, with no care or concern of the damage they will do to future generations.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee has seen no evidence that the Obama administration “wiretapped” Trump Tower, according to a brief statement issued Thursday.

“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016,” Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said, providing no other details


in other words: Trump is a lying sack of shit


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
If it was not so serious, considering 45 has world wide implications....

I would be laughing my fucking ass off.

... a concerned northern neighbour.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee has seen no evidence that the Obama administration “wiretapped” Trump Tower, according to a brief statement issued Thursday.

“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016,” Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said, providing no other details


in other words: Trump is a lying sack of shit
i was honestly expecting to discover yes, he was wiretapped, but because of a FISA court order


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i was honestly expecting to discover yes, he was wiretapped, but because of a FISA court order
FISA courts can and have been known to suppress individuals even mentioning that they're subject to surveillance...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
People may be choosing to drive around instead of through.

Not that there really are any better options. For anyone forced into terrestrial travel across that part of the world, I'd just recommend starting off well rested with a full tank of gas and plenty of food. Drive hard and fast until you can no longer smell the ignorance.
Last edited:


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
People may be choosing to drive around instead of through.

Not that there really are any better options. For anyone forced into terrestrial travel across that part of the world, I'd just recommend starting off well rested with a full tank of gas and plenty of food. Drive hard and fast until you can no longer smell the ignorance.
you left out traveling between midnight/sunrise......less chance off the stupid rubbing off on you due to interaction with inhabitants....


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
In today's episode of Comey's flaccid wavering backbone.


"Moreover, Vladimir Putin has convinced a significant chunk of the American electorate that Trump is “illegitimate.” (One poll shows 57 percent of young voters between 18 and 30 consider him “illegitimate.”) And worse, it’s convinced many Americans that our president’s word cannot be trusted."

As if Putin needed to convince Americans that the President's word can't be trusted; he's done a pretty bang up job of that himself. But tell me again how the real tragedy in this whole thing are the people leaking classified information, I just can't get enough of that.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
In today's episode of Comey's flaccid wavering backbone.


"Moreover, Vladimir Putin has convinced a significant chunk of the American electorate that Trump is “illegitimate.” (One poll shows 57 percent of young voters between 18 and 30 consider him “illegitimate.”) And worse, it’s convinced many Americans that our president’s word cannot be trusted."

As if Putin needed to convince Americans that the President's word can't be trusted; he's done a pretty bang up job of that himself. But tell me again how the real tragedy in this whole thing are the people leaking classified information, I just can't get enough of that.
fake headline. nothing humiliates trump. he'd need to have the capacity to feel shame in order to be humiliated. that doesn't exist in cockroaches.