
~~~>Go Climb Some Mountains GMT<~~~

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Hey hey hey
ragefest narrowly avoided. Yesterday I popped the tube in my TT bike’s rear wheel. This is not unusual as latex tubes tend to be iffy near the valve stem, and the stupid valve extenders I have are horrendous. I replaced it today with a tube that immediately flatted. Ha ha. Replaced it with another that I had kicking around, which also flatted. OK sandwich, try not to pinch the fuggin’ tube as you push the tire over the rim (idiot). Threw another tube in and went out for a ride on it for the first time in a year- got a mile down the road and this tube blew too. Wife came and picked me up and I hopped on the other bike. Correct size tube and new valve extenders on order…many curses cursed.

While I was out (which was a beautiful ride, btw) I passed a homey who looked to be walking his bike. I asked if he was OK and he said he was fine, so I went out for my TT loop. Came back and he was still walking. Stopped to chat, told him I would have been happy to give him a tube after my ordeal this morning, but he refused as he was almost to the shop. Don’t be afraid to ask for help homies, it might save you a walk.
been there. 20 miles out from the car thorns all over the road. I went though all my tubes and patches in less than 2 miles. Took off my shoes and started walking. Santa Clara County Deputy pulled over. tossed my bike in the trunk, me in the back seat and gave me a 10 mile lift until he got a call and I had to hop out. As I got out a friend rode by. he went and got his car and came back to get me. excellent end to a holy MF situation.
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