
Has anyone had Push work on their shock?


Apr 3, 2002
Bay Area, Calif
Has anyone had Push industries do the Vanilla RC Race System upgrade to your shock?? Please be detailed.... what were the differences you saw? Pros vs. Cons?? Worth the money??

Also, their website wasn't too clear as to what performance characteristics or features you get with the upgrade. Anyone know?? :confused:


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
No, no one has.

Actually not really, if you want to find a pretty good pool of people that have, check on the "shocks" board on mtbr.com. They all report that it is a huge improvement.

Push actually guts your Fox and puts all-new internals in it, a new dual-stage piston, new bushings and seals, etc. It is kind of like hot-rodding your vanilla to perform like an avalanche, not quite as good as an avalanche, but way better than what was in the shock. One good thing about push is they will show you the parts that they put into it, so you know you are getting something for your money, unlike other suspension tuners that might just rearrange the shims or maybe only change the oil, at least with push you know you are getting completely new internals that are valved to your weight and riding style.

In a few months, the fox DHX might make the push shocks obsolete though, we shall see!