
Hey Joel Bain, the aussie...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
hopefully this finds it's way around the world to you.....

this joel bain, the one I rode up the lift iwth before your garbanzo race run....
44 19 Joel Bain AUS Perth Cannondale, "The Cut", CVC, Oakley, SRAM 17:08.2 01:54.1

If I ever see you drop your trash off the lift again, you'll be following it down.....I don't know who the hell you think you are, I gave you a chance to respond, I said that you don't do **** like that, that you should know better, and you chose not to respond at all, you didn't even go back and pick it up when it was only 20 feet from the top of the lift....that sly little stretch drop didn't fool anyone....you're still a ****ing prick, and please don't ever return to our town again, we'd rather not have to deal with assholes like you....

...I so sick and tired of this blatent disrespect to our environment that I'm seeing more and more of every week....seriously, how hard is it to hold your trash till the top??? didn't we learn to throw garbage away properly in grade school??!!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
fwd this to cannondale/sram/oakley. That will make the point stick.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I gotta say, that's a pretty dick move. The amount of trash under the lift really surprised me considering how environmentally conscious everyone in whistler is. ****in' tourists.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
it's just getting worse and worse.......oh and Joel, if yer gonna want to keeping dropping your trash off of lifts, you might want to paint over the name on the back of your helmet.......

the F.H.B

Jun 2, 2006
Syd, Australia
Man I wish I could sound so tough when im on the weenernet, nothing like big men behind little screens aye?
Maybe you'd be better off starting a thread about people littering off the lifts (from the sound of Transcends post it is an issue) than slandering one guy.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
the F.H.B said:
Man I wish I could sound so tough when im on the weenernet, nothing like big men behind little screens aye?
Maybe you'd be better off starting a thread about people littering off the lifts (from the sound of Transcends post it is an issue) than slandering one guy.
I said the same thing to his face....repeatedly.....like I said, he chose not to respond......I'm not slandering him, I'm telling people what his actions were......

no skid marks

Jan 15, 2006
ACT Australia
Hope it wasn't an accedent and he was just to embarassed to go get it. I always end up taking twice the amount of rubbish home than what I took out,not all from riders but. It's good though(picking it up)cause if you ever get hassled for ridding somewhere i just empty my pockets and say,"It would apear I'm doing more than you for this place".
Littering's not cool from anyone.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 20, 2002
You got on the internet and had a whinge just cos somebody dropped something (presumably a wrapper or coke can or something) off a lift? Yeah ok it's not the right thing to do by any means, but sending stuff like that to somebody's sponsors JUST FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT? The words "anally retentive" spring to mind. And no I don't think he was right to ignore you either, IMO it's poor form from everyone involved.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Same problem at Diablo especially by the jump line where people session jumps. It sad that people can carry trash up but not down.

dG video

I blew a mod to get this title
Feb 25, 2004
thaflyinfatman said:
You got on the internet and had a whinge just cos somebody dropped something (presumably a wrapper or coke can or something) off a lift? Yeah ok it's not the right thing to do by any means, but sending stuff like that to somebody's sponsors JUST FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT? The words "anally retentive" spring to mind. And no I don't think he was right to ignore you either, IMO it's poor form from everyone involved.
thaflyinfatman said:
You got on the internet and had a whinge just cos somebody dropped something (presumably a wrapper or coke can or something) off a lift? Yeah ok it's not the right thing to do by any means, but sending stuff like that to somebody's sponsors JUST FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT? The words "anally retentive" spring to mind. And no I don't think he was right to ignore you either, IMO it's poor form from everyone involved.

I have to disagree.
Its the whole "representing your sponsors thing".
You gotta try to be classy when fronting team colors and what not.
Since Flip straight up asked him to pick it up he actually went out of his way NOT to and thats just moronic in a high profile place like Whistler at a big event.
MAybe back home at his local lift he can be a big guy and trash the joint but in this context he sounds like he was a dousch.

Pashley 24Mhz

May 2, 2005
Belgium, Europe
If everyone just would take their rubbish to where it belongs, there would be no problems at all... and this isn't just for Whistler!

What would happen if everyone just would trow all their rubbisch where they stand,it wouldn't be pretty I think.

At the long term, people who try to keep everything clean could be the victim because a land owner wants to close the tracks on his land just because there is just too much rubbish along the tracks on his land...

just my opinion


Oct 9, 2002
Toronto, Canada
LOOnatic said:
I have to disagree.
Its the whole "representing your sponsors thing".
You gotta try to be classy when fronting team colors and what not.
Since Flip straight up asked him to pick it up he actually went out of his way NOT to and thats just moronic in a high profile place like Whistler at a big event.
MAybe back home at his local lift he can be a big guy and trash the joint but in this context he sounds like he was a dousch.


While i feel it's not my position to get involved or defend someone in a situation i was not involved in, i feel i must add something. I rode the lift with him a few times, and spoke with him about this post. He said the only thing he rode up the lift with on Saturday and Sunday were tear offs. He prepped his goggles on the way up each time a tear off could have got away from him during that time. He left his extra unused tear offfs at the top before his race run. At no time did someone point out to him that he dropped something, and if they did he did not hear him, otherwise he would have responded. My opinion of him is he is one of the few Jnr. riders who is friendly helpfull and polite, not someone who deserves to be bagged on.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
Seeing people litter makes me mad as hell......its just plain stupid and disgusting.

Thanks for saying something to him FlipFantasia.....i would have done the same thing, and ruined MY day at the same time..


Turbo Monkey
May 14, 2006
dondon said:
While i feel it's not my position to get involved or defend someone in a situation i was not involved in, i feel i must add something. I rode the lift with him a few times, and spoke with him about this post. He said the only thing he rode up the lift with on Saturday and Sunday were tear offs. He prepped his goggles on the way up each time a tear off could have got away from him during that time. He left his extra unused tear offfs at the top before his race run. At no time did someone point out to him that he dropped something, and if they did he did not hear him, otherwise he would have responded. My opinion of him is he is one of the few Jnr. riders who is friendly helpfull and polite, not someone who deserves to be bagged on.
You are defending him and essentially saying he is innocent. There doesn't seem to be any logical reason why Flip would make it up. Maybe blown up a little bit , but keep disrespecting the places you ride at and you'll soon find yourself without a place to ride.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
i get flipped of weekly for yealling at people trowning a whole BK/other bag out there windows, frys flying everywhere.

i pull next to them and tell them to roll there window down
and give them a piece of my mind.


Bad Ronald

Jun 30, 2005
Danbury, CT
The other thing to remember is that the kid is 16. How many 16 years old do you know that always do the mature responsible thing? I'm not sticking up for him either if he did litter (I really don't get it), however I must say that I can guarantee all those bashing him did something stupid when they were 16 too.

Cave Dweller

May 6, 2003
Maybe ridemonkey should start a new forum section where you can "dob in a dumper" :clue:

Im not sure what the purpose of putting this up in a public place is, he is a young kid, if i was young again and some old dude told me to walk 50 meters back down the hill and try and find something i may have dropped i would blow you off as well, and probably have stuck my middle finger up as well :cool: Kids are kids, let it be.

That said, i don't know him and i wasn't in that situation, and im not saying littering is cool, but slagging others off on the net isn't cool either.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
to much to respond to now...I will however apologize for being overly reactionary (not that it makes me okay with what happened).....will post more later....

...need to go ride now.....to long a day....