
How safe is my bike going to be in Golden?


Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
Ok, so I'm going to be living in Golden this fall for school. I'm definitely taking my bike up and I was wondering if bike theft is a problem over there. I know that in Boulder you're pretty much ****ed if you leave a nice bike unattended, considering my brother had his stolen there a month ago. Could I leave my bike locked at a rack during class and expect all the parts to be there when I get back?

As for storage overnight and stuff, I think I'll just keep my bike in the back of my car like I usually do, so I'm not too concerned about that.


Jan 28, 2004
Boulder, CO
I would guess that it would be somewhat safer than in boulder, but it depends on the bike. I would not leave a DH bike locked up there, or anywhere for that matter.
I leave my DJ/urban hardtail locked up at CU while I'm in class but I bring it back up to my room when I go home, to the dorms.

I would not recomend leaving you bike in your car every night (again depends on the bike) becasue cars are easily broken into. just put it in your room, even if your in a dorm room it is doable and probably worth the trouble, as you don't want to have your car broken into and your bike stolen.



Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
here's my bike:

It's actually pretty hidden in the back of my car. The windows are so damn tinted in the back that I have to actually be in the car to see if my bike is in there. I'll probably just leave it in the dorm come to think about it, because my car would be easy as hell to get into. My bike is worth more than my car anyway, so it might as well be more protected.


Jan 28, 2004
Boulder, CO
doen't seem like it is worth the risk of leaving that outside, I'd get a cheep old bike to ride around campus. I don't know what the mines campus is like, is a bike even necessary to get around?



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
fireman said:
doen't seem like it is worth the risk of leaving that outside, I'd get a cheep old bike to ride around campus. I don't know what the mines campus is like, is a bike even necessary to get around?


The campus is small, but having trails so close it'd be nice to have a decent bike on hand. The cheap beater is the way to go for commuting around Golden, though. Makes the trip to Golden City Brewery quicker. :p



Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Where the riding is good
Yep, I've ridden both of my bikes to class (the DH and the slalom) and have never had a problem. . . But! Recently a huge bust was made in the area on two guys who would steal bikes (a buddy of mine had his Jackflash stolenas part of this), swap parts around, scratch the serial and resell them. Apparently the Golden PD has an entire storage shed full of frames, wheels and parts that they got when they searched the theives' house. My buddy got his bike back, but it was in pieces and missing several parts . . . So, word to the wise is ride the beater to class and hide the good one in your car so you can tackle the trails when class is out. :cool:

And as always, I'm glad to see another mtb'er headed to Mines!


Oct 19, 2003
over the rear tire
fireman said:
doen't seem like it is worth the risk of leaving that outside, I'd get a cheep old bike to ride around campus. I don't know what the mines campus is like, is a bike even necessary to get around?

Yeah, I live nearby in Golden, a pretty decent area for the most part. That is a small campus, I've ridden around it a lot, but I'd watch out on any campus, seems to be where those kind of people look for bikes. Deffinately cable through the frame and both wheels, through your seat rail too if you have a QR post clamp. Yup, lots of great trails nearby. If you live in Golden, just ride a beater to class and ride home for the trailbike, Golden isn't that big. You can get to Chimney Gulch, the bottom of Belcher Hill at White Ranch and to the Table Mountains easy, a little further up the bike path you can get to Apex, and five minutes further up the road, Mathews/Winters and the hogback. Takes about a half hour cranking from the far north side of Golden. If the trails are muddy, there is a nice path ride on the Clear Creek path if you want to get in 30 or 40 miles out and back, two little spots where you have to cross a dirt parking area, other than that, dry, good for the road bike. And we've been riding our singlespeeds up Lookout Mountain and then down Chimney when the trail conditions allow. We ride a little urban around town at times too, but we have to behave ourselves. You have plenty of places to ride right in Golden.




Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I would never leave a bike in a car on a regular basis. That is like putting it in a glass case, literally. For example, Ted Huang, a racer on Webcor, left his and his g/f's bikes in the back of his car before GP of SF, and of course, car broken into, and two Ti bikes gone.

The reason why he left it in his car: no room at the place he was staying at. The point I make is that you should make room where ever you live, and probably lock it up there as well. Roomates also make the best thieves.

I should point out I grew up in NYC, the bike theft capital of the world. I use a Kryptonite NY Lock (still cylinder key though), and a 3 foot Krypto-cable for the front wheel.

But as my friends in New Orleans like to point out, a lock is just a deterrent. I have a beater (a very nice Surly 1x1), but when I do lock my good bikes, I make sure to keep an eye on them. One time I locked my Seven in front of a Manhattan restaurant. I tipped the bartender $10 to watch out, and I still checked it myself every 15 minutes.


Jun 1, 2003
stringcheese said:
Hey Alex how's it goin? Haven't seen you around in a while.

The bike is definitely kickass.
Hey anthony...Nope, I haven't been around...been on the injured list for the past 5 months or so. Good to see some more likeminded mtb people going to mines btw...that's probably where I'm headed as well.