
I think I am gonna vote mormon on this one...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I meant more along the lines of biblically violent. But I suppose they're too young without enough resources to be *that* violent.
if you're talking KJV, then they inherited full claim. not exactly ending stake meetings with "amor del rey", but if the muslim brotherhood ever stepped foot in northern arizona, they could get their genocide on.

recall you lot were pretty passive until 60 yrs ago, and now everyone wants to learn krav maga


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I hope he wins the primary, he'll get obliterated in the general election. McCain can put up a fight.
I was rooting for Huckabee for that exact same reason. McCain and Romney are both at a similar level of toughness, as both have HUGE issues to overcome.


Age - the campaign season is tough, and all it'll take is getting lampooned on SnL for being ancient (or crazy) and the view will probably stick. His age will also be *very* apparent if he goes up against the youthful and energetic Obama.

Flip-flopping - "I was against the Bush tax cuts before I was for them." Nowhere near as bad as Romney, but that and other maverick issues will come back to hurt him.

Ostracizing the Establishment - Rushannity & Co have railed against him for years. They're suddenly going to have a Romney-esque epiphany, but it's going to sound cheezy and their listeners won't buy it...


MAJOR FLIP-FLOPPER - Comparing any of his positions up until his recent "oh my god I'm going to run for president, I had better change my positions to reflect the GOP base" will show him to be the quintessential washington politician. The sudden and immediate backtracking on health care (Romney-care!!), taxes, government spending, abortion and gay rights (hmmmm, his state is the only state that has legalized gay marriage??) will be the topic over and over and over and over again. How much was spent by the government on The Big Dig during his presidency? How does the electorate really know that he'll elect anti-abortion judges when his history doesn't reflect that?

New Englander - The majority of the GOPs strength is in the south and mid-west, and typically NE'ers don't play well to that area.

High dislike numbers - Probably only 2nd to Hillary as the candidate that most voters don't like, it'll be hard for him to get past the 62% unfavorability rating...

Think Rudy would've been hardest to take on in the general election, but thanks to right-wing conservatives everywhere, democrats don't have to worry about that... :busted:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Mitt is a politician's politician. he's smoother than george michael's colon after a handful of exlax.

i had high hopes for his governorship in MA, but he failed on so many points, and lost interest halfway through so he could set his sights on the national stage.


Oct 17, 2002
Mitt is a politician's politician. he's smoother than george michael's colon after a handful of exlax.

i had high hopes for his governorship in MA, but he failed on so many points, and lost interest halfway through so he could set his sights on the national stage.
I'm sure you're right. Does that mean he's not the most qualified of all the candidates?


Mar 26, 2005
Mass. is in debt up to their eyeballs b/c of good ol Mitt. That Harvard education really paid off. Do you really think America will put another openly religious person in the white house?

Edit: If we do we're in worse trouble than I thought.

Go Obama!!!!!!!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i dunno....mormon's aren't the type to be lackadaisical re: their faith. don't forget the mammoth temple built in Belmont (largest outside of Utah?), which just happens to have violated some building specs and permits, and also happens to be where Mitt lives.


Mar 26, 2005
$5 says that Obama is more religous than Mitt.

And we don't even need to discuss Huckabee or Edwards.
As long as its a religion not based on some dude sticking his head in a top hat and calling what he hears the new testament I'm cool.


Oct 17, 2002
As long as its a religion not based on some dude sticking his head in a top hat and calling what he hears the new testament I'm cool.
Well, that's a pretty fockin' ignorant statement.

How is Smith that much different than Jesus or either of them from David Koresh for that matter.

Lay off the kool-aid and let people be.


Mar 26, 2005
I'm not a fan of any religion and I believe it does not belong in the white house. I also think Romney has no foresight for this country, the environment or the economy. Its cool though, he's not going to win. A little sensitive today though aren't we?


Mar 26, 2005
Vote for Romney, I don't care, it doesn't matter. Like I said, HE WILL NOT WIN. Come on back when you have something useful to say though, ok?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Mass. is in debt up to their eyeballs b/c of good ol Mitt. That Harvard education really paid off. Do you really think America will put another openly religious person in the white house?
let me guess: you think benjamin franklin was the last closet jebus-freak prez?


Mar 26, 2005
I question religious convictions of our possible political leaders therefore I am not worthy?

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I question religious convictions of our possible political leaders therefore I am not worthy?
No....because of retarded statements like this:

Do you really think America will put another openly religious person in the white house?
Do your research. Openly religious?!? Name one aetheist (hell...I'll settle for agnostic) candidate...I dare ya.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I question religious convictions of our possible political leaders therefore I am not worthy?
name the last sitting u.s. president who wasn't "openly religious"? the closest you could come is nixon.

upon preview i see secret squirrel is saying something similar, so that's the final wurd.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
highly doubtful... McCain is basically a dem anyway...

McCain's conservative rating from the American Conservative Union in 2006 was 65 (bleh) but his lifetime record is 82.3 at the end of that year. (I don't see any updated numbers that include the 2007 votes.)

Rick Santorum has a lifetime rating 88.1. The ratings are determined by how often a lawmaker votes the conservative position on a key vote.

(Other interesting lifetime ratings.... That squish Lindsey Graham? 90.6 lifetime rating. John Sununu of New Hampshire? 93.2. Trent Lott? 92.4. Sam Brownback? 94.0. Hillary Clinton? 6.2. Barack Obama? 8.0.)

I'm not going to try to persuade readers who are convinced that McCain is liberal or "not conservative" that McCain is a conservative; even if I could muster the rhetorical brilliance and analytical rigor that task requires, I don't think you want to hear it right now.

Note that McCain had been in Congress for 24 years at the time of that rating (in 2006, so it's now more than 25) and thus any one year with a lot of non-conservative votes doesn't pull down that lifetime rating very much. I'll also note that when McCain takes a position to the left of his party or to the conservative base, it's not on quiet, little-noticed issues. Campaign finance reform. The Gang of 14. The immigration deal. The Bush tax cuts. He's not perfect on guns, and he believes in cap and trade to mitigate global warming.

But year after year, there's been a lot of pro-life votes, a lot of defense spending bills, welfare reform efforts, the Republican Revolution of the mid-1990s, voting to impeach Clinton on both counts, Supreme Court justices, etc.

As discussion of Republican primary choices has gotten more heated, I think the terms "liberal", "not conservative" and "not as conservative as I would like" have become synonyms, and that shouldn't be the case.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
McCain's conservative rating from the American Conservative Union in 2006 was 65 (bleh) but his lifetime record is 82.3 at the end of that year. (I don't see any updated numbers that include the 2007 votes.)

Rick Santorum has a lifetime rating 88.1. The ratings are determined by how often a lawmaker votes the conservative position on a key vote.

(Other interesting lifetime ratings.... That squish Lindsey Graham? 90.6 lifetime rating. John Sununu of New Hampshire? 93.2. Trent Lott? 92.4. Sam Brownback? 94.0. Hillary Clinton? 6.2. Barack Obama? 8.0.)

I'm not going to try to persuade readers who are convinced that McCain is liberal or "not conservative" that McCain is a conservative; even if I could muster the rhetorical brilliance and analytical rigor that task requires, I don't think you want to hear it right now.

Note that McCain had been in Congress for 24 years at the time of that rating (in 2006, so it's now more than 25) and thus any one year with a lot of non-conservative votes doesn't pull down that lifetime rating very much. I'll also note that when McCain takes a position to the left of his party or to the conservative base, it's not on quiet, little-noticed issues. Campaign finance reform. The Gang of 14. The immigration deal. The Bush tax cuts. He's not perfect on guns, and he believes in cap and trade to mitigate global warming.

But year after year, there's been a lot of pro-life votes, a lot of defense spending bills, welfare reform efforts, the Republican Revolution of the mid-1990s, voting to impeach Clinton on both counts, Supreme Court justices, etc.

As discussion of Republican primary choices has gotten more heated, I think the terms "liberal", "not conservative" and "not as conservative as I would like" have become synonyms, and that shouldn't be the case.
It would be horrible to have a president that reflected the 'average' views of Americans rather than the average views of either left or right wingers.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Didn't n8 have a similar thread a few years ago titled, "I think I am gonna vote moron on this one..."?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Is this McCain: 'We're in Iraq for 100 years" and "I'll spend more on Iraq than Bush" McCain we're talking about?