
I think I just got scammed


Feb 15, 2006
Houston, Tx
If you paid by check get them back. Put a stop on the check. Then 1 of 2 things will happen. 1-nothing, they know they scamed you and will suck it up and you have a free stereo(minus cost of stopping the check). 2-they will find you and then you can tell the cops they are tring to get ahold of you and you can nail them for a scam. It's a win win situation for you. just my .02


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Don't be so hard on yourself, people pay thousands of dollars a year to smoke cigarrettes that someday will have them paying thousands more to stay alive.

Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

In that basic sense we all get ripped off.

Rich people wouldn't even think of lowering to the levels of what us common folk do for a buck.

i've sold stupid playing cards and comic books for thousands of dollars, before that i sold drugs for even more haha.

Just about all of what we do in life is bartering and trading for stupid crap we don't need anyways, by you coming clean you might have helped a few people out. In that respect you've given knowledge and therefore should feel good about it all.

When you die the only thing you keep in life is what you've given away.....


Tenchiro said:
Can you give me a hand? My Uncle is a deposed Nigerian prince, and needs help getting our family fortune out of the country.
SHURE!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: