sorry i neglected to get back to you but i honestly don't know the answer to your question w/out knowing where you live. every state has different laws for the whole learners permit thingy.OH I've been meaning to ask a cop this question. Can you really pull a young driver, 16 and 3 months that hasn't had their license for 1 year, and is carrying more than 1 passenger? Or is that ONLY a second offense, like you have to pull them over for speeding/wreckless driving, and then give them the ticket for that, AND the carrying more than 1 passenger.
but usually...if you get pulled for careless/wreckless driving AND you're outside of the parameters of your license/permit then yes, you'll probably get that too. younger drivers usually get less of a break on the little stuff 'cause mommy and daddy would probably need to know that little ricky is out dicking around in their car.