
Manimal's "Things that piss off cops" thread


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
OH I've been meaning to ask a cop this question. Can you really pull a young driver, 16 and 3 months that hasn't had their license for 1 year, and is carrying more than 1 passenger? Or is that ONLY a second offense, like you have to pull them over for speeding/wreckless driving, and then give them the ticket for that, AND the carrying more than 1 passenger.
sorry i neglected to get back to you but i honestly don't know the answer to your question w/out knowing where you live. every state has different laws for the whole learners permit thingy.
but usually...if you get pulled for careless/wreckless driving AND you're outside of the parameters of your license/permit then yes, you'll probably get that too. younger drivers usually get less of a break on the little stuff 'cause mommy and daddy would probably need to know that little ricky is out dicking around in their car.


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
i've been on long enough to see your bike and riding and stuff...i'm jus sayin one of the trials guys that i go riding with has been arrested twice and is banned from the university for a year

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
as silent J said, and it was me that he was recalling, ;
look at it this way. we can only respond emergency traffic (lights/sirens) for accidents w/ injury, assaults involving a weapon in progress, in progress break-ins and robberies. so let's say your sister is married to some asshat that likes to beat on women. your sis manages to get to the phone and dial 911 before her hubby starts the second round of beating. he doesn't have a weapon but your sis is still getting it pretty good. i can't run emergency traffic to that call because there are no weapons involved or reported.....so do you want me to keep driving 35mph in the 35mph zone, setting a good example, or do you want me to kick it up a notch within reason so i can get to your sis and handle business w/ her abusive husband?
if it were my mom/wife/daughter/friend in need, i'd be pissed if the cops didn't "bend" the rules a bit to get there a little faster.

Just to clarify what grinds my gears a little:

-Getting pulled over for speeding by a speeding cop. Drives me nuts.

-Cops running over kids in school zones because they're going like 80kph in a 30 (responding to a call I presume...) WITHOUT SIRENS OR LIGHTS. This has happened a couple times over the last few years and it just seems unforgivable. If a cop has to drive fast, drive fast! Really really fast! But use your fricken sirens and lights! That way you won't mow down innocent bystanders! If it's a question or not desensitizing the public to the sound of a siren, fine! Use your horn like everyone else! Or change the rule! Or forbid using school zones for high speed responses! Or permit the use of sirens in school zones for any response!

-This is not directed at anyone but the Montreal cops.

-I do not have a sister.

-Thanks to my spider senses, I've only got 1 speeding ticket ever for going 50kph in a 30 kph. I was following a cop going the same speed and got nailed by a guy with a radar gun pulling herds of cars over for driving at, what the cop in front of me was demonstrating to be, normal speed... $150 down the flusher...

-I respect cops. Tough job, I wouldn't want it. It's just those little abuses that can pee me o.


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
1. If you see a cop car in your mirror and you're in the left lane....MOVE OVER! ESPECIALLY WHEN THE LIGHTS/SIRENS ARE ON. ("see the lights, move to the RIGHT!!!") one of the most frustrating/annoying things that people do is slow down to below the speed limit when a cop gets in behind them. more than likely, we're not going to pull you over, we just want to get by. if you move over and the cop follows you...then he/she was behind you for a reason.
I'm going to say if you see ANYBODY in your mirror when you are in the left lane, and you aren't passing anybody, MOVE OVER. I'm a docile guy, but nothing makes me want to activate my hood mounted missile launcher like a left lane hugger.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Maybe its just the asspony cops here, but is there EVER a reason for a cop to park in a handicap spot? I saw the douche walking too.

I saw this today and while I don't have anything against cops in general, I wanted to punch said officer in the face.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Manimal, I'm sure this is subject to locality, but would you ever use your lights sans siren? Just wondering, as I was nearly nailed head on by a cop speeding down the center of Main Street (during rush hour) in a small town using only his lights.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Manimal, I'm sure this is subject to locality, but would you ever use your lights sans siren? Just wondering, as I was nearly nailed head on by a cop speeding down the center of Main Street (during rush hour) in a small town using only his lights.
yes, we're supposed to cut sirens a ways out when responding to things were our presence could make things go from bad to worse. ie: bank robberies, suicidal subjects, armed subjects, bomb threats. there's a lot to tactics that the general public doesn't understand.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Speaking of lights and sirens, a funny tow truck driver story:

This new guy (newer than even me at the time) was going to a police call for a "no insurance" tow. You have to respond to police calls within 30 minutes or they will call it off. So being on the far side of town, he thought since it was a police call, he could roll lights and sound his horn. People were getting out of his way FAST.

When he got there the cop gave him a huge ticket for being a jackass. I forget what the fine was for, but he was PISSED, so was the boss.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Maybe its just the asspony cops here, but is there EVER a reason for a cop to park in a handicap spot? I saw the douche walking too.

I saw this today and while I don't have anything against cops in general, I wanted to punch said officer in the face.
See, now that just ain't right. There is NO EXCUSE for that.

Personally I have always felt that those who should be held the most accountable to the law are those charged with upholding it (judges are also included in this). We (the public) are not children and it is not a "do as I say, not as I do" world. I think that if the police obeyed laws better, AND explained policies like the speeding to a crime but are not allowed to have lights and sirens on less people would dislike/disrespect them.

Which is not to try and rip on Manimal or cops in general. They have an extremely difficult job to do, and it's one that I personally would not do. Unless I could ride a bike like Manimal does. That would be cool. Oh and no one is allowed to shoot at me. Yeah... no shooting at me and I get to ride a bike. :busted:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
I'm going to say if you see ANYBODY in your mirror when you are in the left lane, and you aren't passing anybody, MOVE OVER. I'm a docile guy, but nothing makes me want to activate my hood mounted missile launcher like a left lane hugger.
my #1 driving pet peeve. i always wanted to invent an LCD display that attached to the sun visor, with backward text, so i can tell those left lane huggers exactly what i think of their driving :rant:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
4. If you are pulled over and you do happen to know someone on the police force, don't mention it (unless the cop is direct relative (mom,dad,spouse). if you get a ticket, talk your cop friend and see if they can help you out; dropping the "i know officer ____" trick usually has the opposite effect that you were intending.

Fvck that petty crap. I know batman.
No fvck that.

I AM Batman is what you tell them.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Hi there...my name is LL and I am a recovering cop-hater. I used to get all bent out of shape whenever I'd get arrested or ticketed until I started watching Cops and came to the realization that if I had to interact with some of the $hitbags they deal with day in and day out, I'd probably lose my tenuous grip on sanity altogether and go Rambo on 'em. There is just NO WAY I could bring in a child victimizer without visiting some tonfa justice upon them first.


May 31, 2004
I have a random cop question for manimal, when I was in high school in Raleigh, nc a friend of mine was turning through our school intersection when a cop with no sirens but flashing lights ran it (on a call I guess) and hit my friend. The intersection was on a hill so where the cop came from you couldn’t see until it was too late. My friend was put in the hospitable. And his car totaled and somehow it was all blamed on him and the cop got off free from it all. After that my respect for the system his been greatly depreciated. Was it right for the cop to get off? What do you guys think?


Jun 29, 2005
We used to enjoy calling the cops on a slow summer night saying there were kids swimming illegally in the community pool, then go up to the community pool and wait for the cops to show up and RUN. We knew the backwood really well, it was a rush when they're walking by you shining their flashlights aroun looking for you.