
restoring old bike

I am going to be restoring my mom's old schwinn, and want to repaint it...as my questions follow. I am an artistic airbrusher, and would like to know what kind of paint would work best if it was airbrushed? And what paint would work best for it anywho? All of those questions are after the biggest one, getting all the old paint off, how do i do this, i can scrap it, but its not very efficiant, what is best?
thanks for all help

Big John

I'll try to answer your questions...
Getting the old paint off: Several ways, chemical strippers, sanding or glassbeading. Using chemical strippers isn't too bad but used gloves and saftey glasses and use in a well ventilated area. Sanding works fine too but can be very time consuming. Start with 180 or 220 paper and work down to 600 for final sanding. Glassbeading is the quickest and cleanest but best left to a pro glassbeader. Check your yellow pages or auto maching shops.
New paint: You aren't going to airbrush the base color of the frame are you? The finish would not be very glossy. A cheap inexpensive paint gun will give much better results and you can paint a buch of your friends bikes also to make upi for the cost. I assume you have an aircompressor already. My paint of choice is Acrylic enamel. It's durable, easy to shoot and has a nice gloss to it.
Here are two that I just painted...



Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Big John,

Your pics didn't show up...I'd like to see those frames you painted though (I'm thinking of doing a make-over for my frame)
