
Texas DH race circuit questions?


Turbo Monkey
Ive gotten the site and stuff for a few of the events and have checked them out they look sweet. Im just wondering how big is the scene down there? Its not huge here and id like to get into it a bit more. What classes do they have at most of the series. IM only 15 and up here im gunna be racing with 29 and under guys. Anyway any links to TX dh would be great.


Mr Big

Jan 23, 2004
The Betty Ford Clinic
comfort dh race on sat 21st we expect under 100 racers. all classes. we will break up age groups but only podium finishers are top 3 in each class (beg, sport, exp). come on out

Originally posted by biker3
Ive gotten the site and stuff for a few of the events and have checked them out they look sweet. Im just wondering how big is the scene down there? Its not huge here and id like to get into it a bit more. What classes do they have at most of the series. IM only 15 and up here im gunna be racing with 29 and under guys. Anyway any links to TX dh would be great.



Turbo Monkey
is comfort or the place the race is at? i love up in NW arkansas so pretty much anywhere is a pretty long drive but Im sure itd be worth it. Anyway if i can make it ill come down. Do I need an IMBA card or whatever to race or can I just get a one time race one at the race? anyway thanks for the info im hoping to make it down.


Big E

Jan 22, 2004
Hell Paso Texas
our stuff in El Paso is great riding, we dont usally split up by age group just rider level. but its no worrys going against older people it just makes you ride harder. and if you can you should try New Mexico for races. they always have some fun stuff.
