
The company I work for is ancient..BUT I need help!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I have to use my own computer for doing my work here. They won't give me email, henceforth everything in the email realm does not work. The corporate (EMCOR) uses Websense. This includes my own POP account with Comcast. HTML based email is certainly out of the question.

Since this is a contract position, I NEED to have a form of email to send out my resume or respond to ad's, which currently I am unable to do. I can't bitch too much as I need the income, since missing four months of work to finish school really hurt us financially.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
If they're that tight, you're probably f**ked. There are ways around the current ban, but companies that run that locked up also monitor their traffic and the minute they see something out of the ordinary, they're going to put a filter on the traffic.

You can set up a secure tunnel through your home computer:

You can also try using proxy services:

Fact is, though, that they're monitoring traffic and I almost guarantee that they'll pick up whatever proxy you choose to use, and lock it out.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Blackberry would be the easiest way around it, although probably not financially viable. You can get cheap ones for under $99 now, and sometimes they will just convert your cell plan, depending who's network you are on?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I be on Sprint. I just can't kick up the 400 or so dollars right now for the device that would take care of it. However, I do have enough minutes in my plan to use my Dell Axim X50 with my Sprint Katana to do what I need in a pinch.....



Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I'd just do all that work from home in the evenings, most potential employers should understand that you have a full time job and may not be able to respond at a moment's notice. Unless I'm mistaken searching for a job while on the clock is grounds for dismissal without compensation, I'd keep it off the company's computers for sure.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Just give them this, they'll fix you right up:

...seriously, though, Kornphlake is right. Only an idiot would expect potential job applicants to be able to communicate at will during normal job hours... and you don't want to work for an idiot, right?

With the amount of web filtering that goes on now, trust me, an employer will understand if you can't leap on your personal email to respond. Do it on your lunch break and before/after work. Heck, if you check your email before work, at lunch and after work, there's only a 3-5 hour window there where you're not reachable. If it's that important, give your cell phone number and ask them to leave a message - you can step outside during the day to return a call if you need to.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I completely agree insofar as not doing anything like that during work hours. In this particular instance, I'm on and in a hurry, and other times, killin time, a hurry up and wait process.

This job I'm at now is a contract position, and they cannot nail down my tenure here. I am also using my personal notebook to do company work without charging them for it. Therefore as a contractor, I have no means of electronic communication with anyone in house as it were. I have to sneaker-net everything I do.

So, there ya have it. LOL!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Contract positions suck, it sounds like you got the job I just left. (except the company I worked for had a more generous IT policy) I guess you have to decide yourself how strong your personal code of ethics is, if your employer has flat out told you that you need to be looking for another job that could be considered as permission to search for another job while at work. A true contract employee is paid for the work they do, not the time it takes to complete a job, unfortunately the term "contract" is abused to make a temp job appear as something it's not, a contract employee should be able to set his own hours so long as the contracted labor is completed by the contract deadline. I'll bet you don't really have a contract at all though. Let your own concience be your guide.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
While this particular subsidiary is ancient, the parent company is the largest mechanical contracting company in the US....go figure..:rolleyes:

I have to admit, after all of these years of contract work (and not necessarily by choice) I really long for a career. with suposed low unemployment in my area, I can't even net a response from a resume. And yes, I did a follow up phone call and left a message. and yes a follow up email. It wears one down after a bit...

Hell, thats why I went back to school and earn the Bachelors Degree....