
Tips/Tricks for Healing Up a Cold FAST????!


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Hi Everyone,

So I'm officially icky-sick. Muscles aching, throat aching, sweaty/shivery fever, and the sniffles just kicked in... :mumble:

I'm supposed to leave for a 2.5 week vacation on Wednesday! :( I really really want to be healthy for my trip in Red Rocks.

So....I've done everything I know to do so far...and even though I'm 24 hours in, it's not going away fast enough. Need some other ideas...if you have any?


Current remedies I've embarked on:
Some extra sleep
Vitamins - C, D, E, B
Nyquil at Night
Something called Coldeez during the day (my coworkers all swear by it, but I'm skeptical)
Tea - lots
Juice - some (it makes me cold)
Trying to eat some rather than starve it out (today was a bagel, and dinner was some miso soup and rice)


Help a girl get rid of this chit! :)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Sorry to hear about your cold JB :( I think it was the ride on Tuesday night that did us both in :angry:

My only advice are things I'm sure you're already practicing....lots of sleep, lots of water, and no sugar.

I'm sure after a weekend of rest you should be feeling better :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified

Your answer: wheatgrass shots. I worked at a Jamba Juice for a year and a half, wheatgrass was known as the cure for any illness. It has an assload of antioxidants, and a bunch of vitamins and minerals (I don't remember which ones, but you drink it for the antioxidants). Any juice place should sell it in 1 or 2 ounce shots, so I suggest a 1 if you've never had it before. If your stomach can take it or like the taste like some of us, you should be safe up to 5 or 6 ounces (it's still a lot and you might get ill).

Don't eat miso soup, too much sodium, dehydration, blah blah.

I typically drink at least one cup of green tea each day, mainly for the antioxidants to keep me healthy. Oh yeah, and it helps in the morning now too now that I've given up coffee.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Wheatgrass eh? :think: well...considering the other foods I enjoy eating, I guess I should meander across to the juice parlor on my lunch break tomorrow and see if they have that.

I didn't realize homemade miso soup could possibly be bad? lol, of course, I can't really read the salt count - it's in nihongo. I guess the sheets of wakame (seaweed) probably are pretty salty though...

Okay - I'll lay off that - but one question - if salt is bad, why do people recommend chicken noodle soup? The non-homemade stuff is laden with it...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Miso is fine. Just be sure to drink enough water to counteract the salt.

Have you tried those zinc nose sprays? I hear they are proven to shorten the duration of a cold by a few days. Some of your symptoms sound more like the flu though :eek: which is making its rounds down here as we speak.

No matter what you have, lots of veggies, lots of fluids (water/soup/gatorade) not much juice, it's too sugary and lot's of rest will help you beat it faster. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
The point of having a wheatgrass shot made for you fresh at the time is that the nutrients lose the majority of their potency in anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes. So if you even get an Odwalla green machine or whatever it's just not the same...


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Sounds more like the flu:

A cold and the flu cause many of the same symptoms. But a cold is generally mild, while the flu tends to be more severe.

A cold often starts with feeling tired, sneezing, coughing and having a runny nose. You may not have a fever or you may run a low fever--just 1 or 2 degrees higher than usual. You may also have muscle aches, a scratchy or sore throat, watery eyes and a headache.

The flu starts suddenly and hits hard. You'll probably feel weak and tired, and have a fever, dry cough, a runny nose, chills, muscle aches, severe headache, eye pain and a sore throat. It usually takes longer to get over the flu than a cold.

Cure: Rest and a lot of fluids.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Is it healthy to do a day of nothing but juices (sugar free - I hate the sugary stuff); teas, and veggies for a day (with my token wheat grass?)...I'm trying to figure out tomorrow's meals...and I had made a huge bowl of salad Monday night, and now it sits in its container waiting to be eaten...I can always pack a huge bowl of it for work...

Anyways for now it's bedtime...I'll catch up on the rest of the advices tomorrow :) Thanks for the tips!!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Jr_Bullit said:
Is it healthy to do a day of nothing but juices (sugar free - I hate the sugary stuff); teas, and veggies for a day (with my token wheat grass?)...I'm trying to figure out tomorrow's meals...and I had made a huge bowl of salad Monday night, and now it sits in its container waiting to be eaten...I can always pack a huge bowl of it for work...

Anyways for now it's bedtime...I'll catch up on the rest of the advices tomorrow :) Thanks for the tips!!
I just stay away from milk products when sick. Don;t ask why, just do it. :devil:


Aug 4, 2004
Encinitas, its near San Diego
punkassean said:
Stay away from milk products because they produce mucus...

There's your reason.
aka dairy.

O and yes zinc has shown to cut sickness time in half for some and do nothing for others so thats kind of hit or miss.

I myself swear by zinc olives and grapefruit seed extract


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
GSE is good stuff ($10 at health food stores). You have to take the max dose for a few days to see results. I mix it with OJ to knock down the super bitter taste and I always add a splash more OJ to the bottom of the glass after chugging it to get the last little bit of GSE because it sticks to the glass. Also never take it while on antibiotics or within 10 days after finishing a cycle of antibiotics as GSE is a pro-biotic and will counteract the affects. GSE is really good for stomach bugs, I know people who have cleared up giardia in a few days on GSE. Acedophilus capsules are also good to take but not with antibiotics as well.

Mustang85 said:
aka dairy.

O and yes zinc has shown to cut sickness time in half for some and do nothing for others so thats kind of hit or miss.

I myself swear by zinc olives and grapefruit seed extract


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
ok about the wheatgrass...I would strongly recommend not taking more than 2 oz. since you're new to it. Also wheatgrass takes a while to build up in the system to feel results...so don't expect any miracles from it. I work in the health food industry daily and there is a lot of misinformation about wheatgrass. Also try and get organic wheatgrass if at all possible. Most places charge the same and your body doesn't have to deal with all the other pesticides, poisins and toxins that come along with drinking conventional wheatgrass...D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
^ I actually find tequilla to be quite medicinal. My mexican buddy told me that his grandpa mixes up a shot of tequilla with some honey and lime when he is sick. Not that different from Nyquil really.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i take echinacea like fiend when i feel like i am starting to get sick. usually knocks it right out. i find that if i let myself get sick, echinacea has little effect of getting me better faster but its wrth a shot. it comes in tea form too.

you shouldn't be at work running a fever, if you are contagious you could piss a lot of people off when they are waking up with colds or the flu next week.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Silver said:
Kill it with bourbon. If it doesn't work, at least you went on a drunk...
Internal antiseptic...Back in college I had a cold I couldn't get rid of. I figured I had some resistance to alcahol and the little bugs inside me didn't. I drank enough Jim Beam to kill an elephant. The cold went away but I was hungover for 3 days.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Ecinaccia (sp), ****LOADS of vitamin C and OJ all day long, Zinc, and most importantly, get off the monkey and sleep untill you are better... even if you have slept 18 hours and cant possibly go back to sleep, drink some 3 doses Nyquil and sleep more.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
laura said:
i take echinacea like fiend when i feel like i am starting to get sick. usually knocks it right out. i find that if i let myself get sick, echinacea has little effect of getting me better faster but its wrth a shot. it comes in tea form too.

you shouldn't be at work running a fever, if you are contagious you could piss a lot of people off when they are waking up with colds or the flu next week.

Yeah, I agree that I shouldn't be here - fortunately I'm a shut in this week at work...and it's a shoo-in that this sucker came from my mucus dripping coworker who is in denial (while politely sneezing in your face) that she could ever be contagious. Sorry - my dislike for the windbag is another story... :rolleyes:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
golgiaparatus said:
Ecinaccia (sp), ****LOADS of vitamin C and OJ all day long, Zinc, and most importantly, get off the monkey and sleep untill you are better... even if you have slept 18 hours and cant possibly go back to sleep, drink some 3 doses Nyquil and sleep more.

Well, I managed to crash at 8 last night after guzzling a gallon of juice/tea/hot water

Felt like I sweated the entire night (you know those nights) I usually consider the sweating night the turning point in a sickness - but we'll see....I've been able to drink cold juice so far today without getting seriously chilled.

Had to get up at 5am though...I have three classes to teach today - tell me how much fun it is to talk nonstop when your throat feels like it's full of sandpaper....

Okay - off for training number 2 (I'll hit up the juice bar at lunchtime)


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Oh ya - sorry - in lieu of my shutin statement - the trainings are all remote - I'll just be on the phone for them today (yay).

As for zinc - I think that's why the coldeez things work so well for some, cuz they're loaded with zinc...

The nose sprays always seem to make my throat and nose feel numb and I never hear myself quite right after I dose up. Since my job is to sound like the smooooth telephone trainer that I am, I need to be able to have a functional voice (if I lose my voice all together, oh boy, is that trouble!)


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
golgiaparatus said:
It should be illegal to come in sick to work. All it does is make everyone around you sick, baztards.

I fully agree - as does my boss, who has us all set up so we can work remotely when in need. I can't so much, as it runs my cell phone bill into crazy numbers since I'm on the phone all day...but everyone seems to pay attention to my note on the door that says:

I'm sick and in quarantine - use IM


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Jr_Bullit said:
Well, I managed to crash at 8 last night after guzzling a gallon of juice/tea/hot water

Felt like I sweated the entire night (you know those nights) I usually consider the sweating night the turning point in a sickness - but we'll see....I've been able to drink cold juice so far today without getting seriously chilled.

Had to get up at 5am though...I have three classes to teach today - tell me how much fun it is to talk nonstop when your throat feels like it's full of sandpaper....

Okay - off for training number 2 (I'll hit up the juice bar at lunchtime)
You're screwed. Rest is the thing you need most once you've actually got the crud. If you have to get up early, work, etc. you're just exascerbating the problem. Just keep your fingers crossed that it's a short-lived virus. Good luck.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I just got over a cold. I normally eat spicy food to clear congestion, and drink plenty of juice. Also, take a few hot showers daily, it will help break down mucus buildup, and will help sooth aching muscles.
Jesus Christ, quit screwing around with stupid dietary fads and ineffective remedies.

Eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of fluids, get some rest, and wait for your immune system do its job.

None of the dietary supplement or drug industry crap does squat to make a cold or flu run its course any faster.

Wumpus said:
Sounds more like the flu:

A cold and the flu cause many of the same symptoms. But a cold is generally mild, while the flu tends to be more severe.

A cold often starts with feeling tired, sneezing, coughing and having a runny nose. You may not have a fever or you may run a low fever--just 1 or 2 degrees higher than usual. You may also have muscle aches, a scratchy or sore throat, watery eyes and a headache.

The flu starts suddenly and hits hard. You'll probably feel weak and tired, and have a fever, dry cough, a runny nose, chills, muscle aches, severe headache, eye pain and a sore throat. It usually takes longer to get over the flu than a cold.

Cure: Rest and a lot of fluids.

I conqure.
My $.2
-lots of gatorade
-pain killers/frever reducer
-whaet grass does work (can upset the sthomich)
-lots of sleep
-wallgreens brand FLU medicine :thumb:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
johnbryanpeters said:
Jesus Christ, quit screwing around with stupid dietary fads and ineffective remedies.

Eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of fluids, get some rest, and wait for your immune system do its job.

None of the dietary supplement or drug industry crap does squat to make a cold or flu run its course any faster.


if you have the same thing i did, it'll go pretty fast. i sweated horribly last night, was freezing even bundled, but today i feel fine except for the continuing sore throat.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I agree that "dietary fads" are a waste of time, but you have to admit that "ineffective remedy" is an oxymoron. I know what you are trying to say and I tend to agree but there are easy to obtain products that can help certain conditions or overall health that are not approved by the FDA or terribly common for that matter. I'm not talking about snake oil here but things like GSE do have an affect.

Of course nothing takes the place of rest, a good diet and a strong healthy body to begin with but I think she's got that covered. She asked for advice about things to help beyond what she was/is already doing so some of us stepped up with suggestions...

Last point, even if taking some funky supplement from a health store only makes you think it's helping, then it actually is helping. Placebo is very powerful, kinda like that thing called faith a lot of folks live by. :)


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Hehehe - yeah, the placebo effect is a great thing.

Anyways - while my coworkers are STILL sick (3 weeks and counting), my sore throat is reduced to a weak echo of what it was. I'm still hyper dosing up on the juice/good teas/vitamins/good diet - and in other words pandering to my body's requests. A weekend of sleep and being spoiled did me a lot of good too. :D

We leave on Wednesday!!! I think I'll be in good shape to go and not be sick while approaching the day's projects. Yay!!!!



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
johnbryanpeters said:
Jesus Christ, quit screwing around with stupid dietary fads and ineffective remedies.

Eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of fluids, get some rest, and wait for your immune system do its job.

None of the dietary supplement or drug industry crap does squat to make a cold or flu run its course any faster.

Hehehehehe. You'd think after hundreds of years of snake-oil salesmen that the public would catch on................. but nooooooooooo. Same $hit, different millenium. :rolleyes:

You curmudgeonly old bahstid. ;)
