
Would you ride at all without a helmet?


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
stinkyboy said:
I'm dyslexic.

You're a dick.

Clever too.

I never wore a lid when I was a kid and we did some pretty stupid stuff back then. To think of all the stupid things I did when I was a kid it's amazing I am still alive.

As for a 50mph car to bike accident I doubt a helmet is going to do much.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Polandspring88 said:
Besides, how is pointing out to you how to spell a word so that you get it right the next time being a dick?
Dick, if I have several mispelled words, or if my grammer makes it annoying to read, then point it out ya dick.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
stinkyboy said:
Dick, if I have several mispelled words, or if my grammer makes it annoying to read, then point it out ya dick.
It's not your spelling or grammar that makes your posts annoying.

:nuts: :) :( :think:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
stinkyboy said:
Is it my exposure of the inadequacies of others, or my strength of character?
It's the strength of your exposure to others.



Mar 11, 2005
Gold River, Sac Town, CA
I never ride without a helmet now. LAst spring my neighbor had a biking accident. He was a road biker and was goign down a hill when a lady in a van blew a stop sign and he went into her driver side window head first. the window was partially down and it took off his jaw. Broken neck, collapsed lungs. the only thing that kept him alive was his helmet. now after a year he is back home. no movement from the waist down and just enough in his arms to be able to drive his wheel chair. his body is broken but he is 100% there mentally and though he can't talk he will respond to you by nodding his head or shrugging his shoulders. I don't let any of my friends ride without a helmet and i wouldn't either. around my cul de sac i do sometimes because cars don't fly down it, but i won't leave it without a helmet.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
stinkyboy said:
What's this Courney Hole exposure? I can no longer be a fan of your avatars.
He likes to put ugly scary things in his avatars. So far this one is the scariest.


Mar 14, 2005
i used to ride in the streets of brooklyn and manhattan without a helmet, but now like you i have seen and heard of so many stupis accidents that it scares me. A 41 yer old man died on a bike path by me a month ago, he was going fast, and a little kid swurved in front of him... he went down hitting his head on the railing.. and died. his girlfriend said she couldnt believe he was dead from riding a bike... I dont want to be that person who dies from a freak accident. I wear my helmet all the time, in fact I just bought my wife a new one so she will wear it more too
Aug 2, 2005
The Island
To be 100% honest, I purchaced my first helmet ever last week. I plan to use it. But as of now it's still sitting on the shelf. Maybe on my next ride I can break it in.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Senôr Lopez said:
To be 100% honest, I purchaced my first helmet ever last week. I plan to use it. But as of now it's still sitting on the shelf. Maybe on my next ride I can break it in.
Maybe you should read the thread that Stony posted.

If you're not going to wear the helmet for your own protection then at least do it for those people who love you.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Kevin said:
Personally I think this thread is gay...
Please elaborate.

The thread is gay because helmets are gay, or NOT wearing a helmet is gay?

What does sexual orientation have to do with helmets? Are gay people only allowed to not wear helmets?

Does your father wear a helmet?


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
I would say I wear a helmet 99% of the time I ride. When I don't it's in a controlled enviorment....I think people who ride without one really don't dtop to think what they're really doing. Personally I think helmets should be mandatory for EVERYONE just like motorcycles. If you're racing any gravity events I think full faces helmets should be mandatory as well. It kills me when I see parents with their kids riding and they don't have helmets but their kids do....what kind of message does that send??...D


Turbo Monkey
H8R said:
Please elaborate.

The thread is gay because helmets are gay, or NOT wearing a helmet is gay?

What does sexual orientation have to do with helmets? Are gay people only allowed to not wear helmets?

Does your father wear a helmet?
To elaborate...

The thread is gay because Im drunk.
But honestly. Whats next? Wearing a helmet while you walk down the street?
Im totally ok with people wearing helmets whenever they want and I will never make fun of anyone for it, ever. Well allmost "ever".
Its just that I dont like the ID of other people making decisions for me about wether I should or should not wear a helmet... And you know these threads are all about that after a certain point.

Disclaimer; Please note that I DO NOT want to get in any flame war what so ever. I totally respect your choice if you wanna wear a helmet walking down the street or while riding your commuter bike to work. I just dont like the ID of people saying I should do it too because I would be stupid if I didnt.

O and I dont think my father ever wears a helmet.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Kevin said:
Disclaimer; Please note that I DO NOT want to get in any flame war what so ever.
obviously not. by calling this thread gay you were letting people know that you were open to an inteligent debate over the importance or, lack there of, of wearing a helmet, right?

Kevin said:
To elaborate...

The thread is gay because Im drunk. I just dont like the ID of people saying I should do it too because I would be stupid if I didnt.

i magine that you not wearing a helmet isn't reason number one as to why people might think you are stupid.

riding a bike without a helmet is like smoking stupid, or drinking and driving stupid, or doing drugs stupid or poking a bear with a stick stupid. it might not kill you. you could live along and healthy life after doing it, but its a pointless risk to take.

that being said, i would have ridden the cruiser without a helmet, but i've also poked a bear with a stick, so there you go.


Aug 1, 2005
3 bike accidents involving cars
2 ski accidents involving collisions with other skiers
1 watching a friend on his motorcycle get cut off by a van, he was doing 50 at the time.

all 6 incidents either i or my friend was wearing a helmet.

one of the ski incidents the other person was NOT wearing a helmet and they ended up unconsious and being mediflight'd out

my friend on the motorcycle ended up getting approx 400 stitches in various places, had 3 fractured vertebrae, broken arm, broken leg.

there was a permanent dent in the side of the van where his helmet hit, one of the emt's was quoted saying "if he hadn't had a helmet on, he would most definitely be dead"

its seriously come to the point where im very nervous if i ride w/o a helmet, and im frozen in fear if i try to ski w/o a helmet.

having someone plow into you at mach schnell on skis and end up on the ground twitching sure as hell made me a beleiver.


Turbo Monkey
laura said:
obviously not. by calling this thread gay you were letting people know that you were open to an inteligent debate over the importance or, lack there of, of wearing a helmet, right?
Right. Or actually I was just drunk and the word gay (which obviously doesnt refer to anyone's sexuality but is intended more as a figure of speach. But you allready knew that...) was the first thing to come to my mind after reading about a guy insisting on his friends not to ride a low-rider around the neigbourhood because they didnt have helmets.

laura said:
i magine that you not wearing a helmet isn't reason number one as to why people might think you are stupid.
I believe that here in Holland, the number of people riding bikes is higher then allmost anywhere in the world. I never see anyone wearing a helmet on his commuter bike so no. I dont think that would be the main reason why people should think Im stupid. Or all 16million of us would think of ourselves as stupid and that would be stupid.

laura said:
riding a bike without a helmet is like smoking stupid, or drinking and driving stupid, or doing drugs stupid or poking a bear with a stick stupid. it might not kill you. you could live along and healthy life after doing it, but its a pointless risk to take.
Who are you to decide for someone else what is stupid?
People have different opinions on all kinds of stuff. You are telling me to wear a helmet and someone else is gonna tell me I should carry a gun in the streets to protect myself.
Then the next guy doesnt want do do either or maybee both. Its all relative.

laura said:
that being said, i would have ridden the cruiser without a helmet, but i've also poked a bear with a stick, so there you go.
You poked a bear with a stick? Now thats stupid. :nope:

Anyways, I still hate these kinds of threads. Let everyone else decide what to do or what "risks" to take. You wouldnt want to have anybody telling you to give up mountainbiking because in their opinion its a pointless risk now would you?


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
The only time I 'might' not wear a helmet is when I'm riding down the street to test something on my bike (not that I've done that in a while since she's in pieces and up for sale). For DH, of course I wear a helmet.

I want to get into trail riding and tooling around and once I do that, I'll be wearing a helmet.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Kevin said:
Who are you to decide for someone else what is stupid?
People have different opinions on all kinds of stuff. You are telling me to wear a helmet and someone else is gonna tell me I should carry a gun in the streets to protect myself.
Then the next guy doesnt want do do either or maybee both. Its all relative.
touchy, much?
oh no, i'm ceratinly not telling you to wear a helmet. by all means don't. however, i think that comparing riding a bike in traffic in holand to riding a bike in traffic here is like apples and oranges.

oh yeah, and arrying a gun to protect yourself is stupid.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
I'm willing to bet that most people who are against helmets in this thread have no sort of comprehensive insurance coverage in case they get hurt or they live with thier parents...so guess who foots the bill?...their parents or the rest of the tax payers....D


Turbo Monkey
laura said:
, i think that comparing riding a bike in traffic in holand to riding a bike in traffic here is like apples and oranges.
The topic starter was talking about taking a ride on some low riders "Just around the neigbourhood" so I was assuming he wasnt talking about rush hour New York city traffic.
I think people are getting carried away with this allways wear your helmet crap.


Aug 1, 2005
Kevin said:
I think people are getting carried away with this allways wear your helmet crap.
Yeah really! I mean who wants to have their friends call them a fag for wearing a helmet right brah?!!!! :oink:


Turbo Monkey
likwid said:
Yeah really! I mean who wants to have their friends call them a fag for wearing a helmet right brah?!!!! :oink:

Thanks for taking the time to actually read what was said... :rolleyes:
I probably wouldnt tell him hes a fag cause he wont wear a helmet on a ride "just around the neighbourhood, or maybee I would if I was drunk.
But the minute he insists that I walk in stead of ride my bike I would tell him to shut up and go to bed because its dangerous outside without a bullitproof Escalade.
Before somebody go's over to insulting people (which does seem to be the trend here round these part of the woods nowadays) Im pulling out of this never ending story. I think Ive made my point and if you still dont get it you probably never will.

Bye now Im outta here, this thread is gay anyways :eviltongu



Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
i was riding in this concrete skatepark a couple months ago sans helmet. I was just tooling around not trying anything beyond my abilities. Then i started jumping, testing my limits, i put the helmet on. I woke up on the concrete a couple minutes later with a broken helmet. It had been on for a total of 5 minutes.

So when i am tooling around, i dont really wear a helmet. If i am going for something new, riding singletrack, or out to push my limits the helmet is on. No questions

And for dirtjumps i'll always wear a lid, especially if i havent ridden them before, or they are steep n deep


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
When I was younger I never used to wear a lid, but I wear one more and more these days. I still probably won't wear one for tooling around on the street or post rebuild adjustments, and I may or may not wear one for mini-ramp. Aside from that I pretty much always do.

There's a sketchy new double (10-12") just been built at my local BMX track which has exposed logs and boulders and a bunch of gravel and crap in the run out. I'll be wearing a full-face the first time I hit that!

I'm also considering a dedicated helmet for when I ski. (Giro Fuse in matt black of course!) I've worn my SDG Potty for skiing before, but negative style points and cold ears are bad.

Edit: It's actually illegal to ride a pushbike without a lid over here, but quite a few BMXers still don't wear them.

Oh, and for real crazy stunts without helmets, go no further than Ride magazine, which frequently has covershots featuring badass dangerous street sans lids.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Ciaran said:
Maybe it because as I am getting older I am understanding how precious and valuable life really is (not to mention how short it is)

Life isn't short. It's the longest ****in' thing you'll ever do.

I ride around the hood with a lid, but everywhere else, it's helmet time
i never ride without my helmet.

oh wait, i mean gloves.......

i just dont feel that some urban cruising or even some DJ's really require the helmet. if i'm busting some new fattie dubbs, then the lid goes up. but then it's only 'till i dial them.....

trail riding, now thats a whole different story. i don't want to smoke a tree doing mach 3.....


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
WestCoastHucker said:
i never ride without my helmet.

oh wait, i mean gloves......
Last time I went riding my buddy forgot his gloves and nearly carried his pinkie into the emergency room; cut it on some chicken wire clear down to the bone all the way around sans a half cm. I don't think he'll ever go riding without his gloves again.