
XM Radio survey



So some chick that spoke very broken English just called. I accepted taking a survey. I used words like likely and most definitely. This went on for 5 minutes or so when I lost patience and said, "I have liked XM very well. I have told you the channels that I listen to. Now you are just pestering me and I am growing irritated by XM for having you call. Poll that. Thanks." Don't their subscriptions tell them enough without bothering me. I got it for good programming and little advertisement. Now they seem to be chatty Sallies all the stinking time and now bugged me at home. I wish I could just trade my stuff for Sirius.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
holy crap! i've noticed that too!! I kinda sit there and they start having ad's for the christmas commercials, then opie and anthony and then all this random crap. I just sit there flipping through channels trying to find music! sucks!


It's really kind of dumb, cuz now I done went and told people on the Internet that it isn't the best in the west. :think:
I got Sirius about three weeks ago and have been super pumped about it. No more fricken commercials...and coming into xmas time, man, that's soo worth it not having to listen to fricken "come buy in excess at Super-Duper Craps Are US" commercials. Yuk!

Goodbye FM radio....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
I thought this was a 'survey' between XM and sirius.

I'm still trying to decide which one to get.

I guess so far, it's sirius hands down from the responses here.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I understand they've put down big coin for O&A, but there has to be other ways of promoting it. Running commercials on their self-proclaimed commercial-free radio is lame.

On the other hand, it's all about what stations you choose. I have yet to hear an ad for anything on the stations I frequent, yet wife hears them all the time and she only uses the car for a couple of hours a month.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Uh... XM radio is part of Clear Channel Communication Family! Thats right, the same folks, who brought you bottles flung out of cars at you, benefit from your musical purchase! :thumb:


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I've been considering XM or Sirius for my next vehicle that I will be getting soon. I noticed that with Sirius you have to buy a tuner for the CD decks do you have to do the same with XM?


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Clark Kent said:
Uh... XM radio is part of Clear Channel Communication Family!
Wrong. Clear Channel has a contract with XM to provide certain "specialty" music, whatever that is.

I guess CC still benefits, but XM is not part of "the family."


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I just bought my GF the sirius box for Christmas yesterday, Im not sure how it is yet, but after dec. 25 ill post something useful in this thread.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
I like my XM because they have a contract with the MLB for all the games in the 2k5 season! so, now I can listen to my A's where ever I am in the country. Also, I don't have to listen to Howard Stern who signed a contract with Sirius. so, ++ for XM!


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Ridemonkey said:
Yeah LOL XM has BASEBALL and NASCAR. Woot!
Don't forget college football.

But you have Stern. :rolleyes: I'm still not convinced that he does a live show. I think it's the same 10 shows on tape aired over and over. They all go something like this:

Guest: So I have a book coming out in the fall.
Stern: That's great, will there be any naked pictures of you in it?
G: Uhh, no, it's about my life as a quadrupal amputee.
S: I see, so are you going to take your clothes off for me now? You know you want me.
G: What are you talking about?
S: Your breasts are perfect. C'mon, let's see them. Aren't her breasts perfect Robin? Wow, if only you knew the things I'm thinking of doing to you right now...

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
BikeGeek said:
Wrong. Clear Channel has a contract with XM to provide certain "specialty" music, whatever that is.

I guess CC still benefits, but XM is not part of "the family."
If they are part of the biz they are part of the biz. Still reaping the benefit. No biker should utilize them. Its simple. Dont split hairs.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Clark Kent said:
If they are part of the biz they are part of the biz. Still reaping the benefit. No biker should utilize them. Its simple. Dont split hairs.

Bikers vs. The World :rolleyes:

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
BikeGeek said:
Don't forget college football.

But you have Stern. :rolleyes: I'm still not convinced that he does a live show. I think it's the same 10 shows on tape aired over and over. They all go something like this:

Guest: So I have a book coming out in the fall.
Stern: That's great, will there be any naked pictures of you in it?
G: Uhh, no, it's about my life as a quadrupal amputee.
S: I see, so are you going to take your clothes off for me now? You know you want me.
G: What are you talking about?
S: Your breasts are perfect. C'mon, let's see them. Aren't her breasts perfect Robin? Wow, if only you knew the things I'm thinking of doing to you right now...

so true, its the same almost every show


Brian HCM#1 said:
I just bought 185 shares of Sirius stock today :thumb:
Great - you're taking advice from N8. It's funny that he can't respond to you today.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Acadian said:
funny that you bring this up...I've been considering a Delphi SKYFii2 lately...would be nice for those long car trips...

Dude... Get yourself an Ipod or something.
Then it is ALL music that you like.

I just started loading my CD's and it's rediculous.
I have about 15hours worth of the DEAD, 12 hours of zeppelin, 6 Janes Addiction, 12 of Phish, 10 of Marley, 6 Pink Floyd, 5 Primus

All told though, I probably have about 150 hours worth of music, and I still only fill up about 1/4 of the total space. Plus, I can bring it to a friends house, plug into their computer, and in an hour, I have all of THEIR music too!

Mama always tought me to SHARE!! ;)

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Acadian said:
and you're constantly complaining you don't have any money! :rolleyes:

that is like flippin' 7K....
No I didn't, for one it was only $7.29 a share and 2nd I sold sold some other stock thats been doing nothing for the last 3 years so basicly it was $1350


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Brian HCM#1 said:
I just bought 185 shares of Sirius stock today :thumb:
I know there will always be ups and downs, but this had to hurt:

"Sirius shares closed $6.90, down $2.11, or 23 percent, on the Nasdaq Stock Market." - Yahoo News, 8 Dec 04

I did see that they got a better dealer-install agreement with Toyota than XM did. Sirius ends up being a cheaper option for the customer by $150-$200. That can only help the stock price. :thumb:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Brian HCM#1 said:
I just bought 185 shares of Sirius stock today :thumb:
I think I would have gone with XM and not Sirius since they seem to be the leader in the field; XM has more than 2.5 million subscribers, while Sirius has more than 800,000.

However, with Sirius signing Howard Stern, your gamble might pay off big. Although Sirius's stock has dropped back to normal levels (after the Stern hype), satellite radio is not going away and the market will continue to grow.

Sirius shares fall (23.5%) back to earth