
2008 MSC race series up


Aug 14, 2007
But then it'd be a class of one, and you'd have no competition.
Nah, the 'Zilla is way out of shape and wicked slow this year. Age & injury is finally catching up to him and he'll be lucky if he can hang in the old man Sport class. He's actually having to push his bike uphill this year. I don't want to say he's getting fat, but at this rate, he looks like he ought to be giving birth by Angel Fire. Probably glandular.


Jan 1, 2004
Centennial, Colorado
what if pros started practice on thursday and dh finals were on saturday morning. That way everyone would be able to see the dh finals, and the groms would be able to get there awards early enough on sunday to make it home. We are pro so in theory we should be able to make enought time to be there for thursday practice. Just move everything up a day for the pro field.


May 18, 2006
what if pros started practice on thursday and dh finals were on saturday morning. That way everyone would be able to see the dh finals, and the groms would be able to get there awards early enough on sunday to make it home. We are pro so in theory we should be able to make enought time to be there for thursday practice. Just move everything up a day for the pro field.
Not to be the naysayer, but that means that the whole BFP crew has to arrive a full day earlier - and we already get there the Monday before an event slated to begin on Saturday. How much does that cost in labor? A bit more than $2000. Plus lodging. Plus food. Another consideration is that the XC is on Saturday and we simply don't have the staff to cover timing and logistics to run our two largest disciplines simultaneously.

DH's are always on Sunday because that's the best way to provide all of you with ample practice time.

And for those of you still banging the "let's separate the disciplines" drum please refer to page 4 of this thread. Second post on the page I think.



Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2004
Golden, CO
Nah, the 'Zilla is way out of shape and wicked slow this year. Age & injury is finally catching up to him and he'll be lucky if he can hang in the old man Sport class. He's actually having to push his bike uphill this year. I don't want to say he's getting fat, but at this rate, he looks like he ought to be giving birth by Angel Fire. Probably glandular.
Glandular? Is that they name they've picked out? I like it...


May 18, 2006
As you probably know, Keystone was cancelled due to contruction of the new gondola. We've got a quasi-solution in the works and I wanted to bounce it off you guys...

- Option A: Keystone drops out, we add no replacement venue
- Option B: The Enduro we've got scheduled at Snowmass on August 9-10 enters the series. The format is total vertical feet (actually, laps plus time, just like a 24-hour XC race)
- Option C: We change the format to a G3 and add it to the series

Snowmass is planning on booking a decent act for the weekend - last I heard Cypress Hill and/or Lyrics Born were being tossed around. If we do choose to add the event it would be gravity only and the concert would be free or next to free.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Oh yeah, there's the possibility that we'd still be able to run an enduro in the early fall at a venue that might surprise you...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
enduro would be super fun i think. i would be way into that.

new venue could be taos?


May 18, 2006
I think that it could be fun too, but it doesn't fit neatly with the MSC's history or current structure. I think that everyone dug the G3 format and that with some simple tweaks we could really dial it in. Not so sure that an enduro would engender such broad-based support.



Oct 30, 2003
My opinion is that an enduro event would be very cool. And at the end of the season after summer would be a great way to end the season, especially since Final Descent is no longer around. So for the Snowmass race, make it a G3 event as long as the Enduro is going to happen later, but I'm not so sure it should be kept in the series as that's 2 races back-to-back and will make it hard on those who have to travel greater distances. Bottomline, no series replacement for the lost race.

Mike, I emailed a couple days ago with some questions about the team format. Did you get it? Or buried in your Inbox somewhere?


May 18, 2006
I feel pretty good about a late season Enduro...and I'll throw it out there one more time 'cuz I just can't resist tweaking your curiosity: the venue is going to surprise a lot of folks - not just for this season, but for what it might mean in the future.

Stew on that...

May 30, 2005
I feel pretty good about a late season Enduro...and I'll throw it out there one more time 'cuz I just can't resist tweaking your curiosity: the venue is going to surprise a lot of folks - not just for this season, but for what it might mean in the future.

Stew on that...

Can you explain how it is going to be run to keep it safe? Are there staggered starts? Is there one class only?

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Can you explain how it is going to be run to keep it safe? Are there staggered starts? Is there one class only?
A totally valid question, and one that I have no answer to! Mike and I are trying to herd everyone interested in joining this debate/discussion over to the MSC forums, so we can keep track of everyone's thoughts, opinions, and ideas about how the replacement venue should be handled. Pop over to the RaceMSC.com site and vote in the poll, that would be really helpful...


Also, I posed your concerns in that thread over there, in an attempt to keep all the feedback in one place.


May 18, 2006
Can you explain how it is going to be run to keep it safe? Are there staggered starts? Is there one class only?
I've been twisting this one around in my head for months. Safety is the big issue once you get past all the "gee, wouldn't this be cool" stuff. Initially I had thought that we'd go one category and issue awards based upon whovever completed however many laps the fastest (does that make sense? Laps plus time?), just like the 24-hours of Moab, but with only one category. It presents some problems with starting procedures and I need to get my head around that. This way a junior or a woman could potentially win his 'lap group' as long as his "time" in his/her repective lap group is low. There'd be props for finishing in elite lap groups even if you don't make the podium - following me so far?

It's part of a larger discussion about how the proliferation of categories is getting to be a bit ridiculous, but that's a topic for another day. This at first seems like a way for a rider's skill to Unequivocally categorize him/her. In my mind we'll also be using ALL of the mountain, so riders can tear off in literally any direction and not all have to be stuffed into the same trail.

Another consideration - how do you account for staggered lift times? What may work if we want to offer one category and give out awards wherever the chips fall is to blend the field and then give each wave a staggered start time. That way each wave has a handful of pros, experts, sports, etc. If wave A is allowed to start at 10, then they're not allowed on the lift after 4. Wave B would start at 10:02, but could then ride the lift until 4:02. Wave C starts at 10:04 and can board until 4:04...make sense? This way there'd be a bit of drama at the finish also as the early wave leaders would be on the hot seat so-to-speak.

I've been playing phone tag with Mark Weir from WTB - he's done a fair number of these and has promised to help us get our format dialed.

And on the other hand,I know for a fact that there are some big-braind out there (BCD comes to mind) that may have a few ideas. Fire 'em my way when you have time.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
i'll have to stew on that today to think of a way to make timing easy and not get all bunched up.

anyone here ever do the big bear enduro dh thig that had?


Oct 30, 2003
Yeah, I did the 12 Hours of Big Bear 4 times. Lots of ideas and experiences both good and bad, I will spend some time early this weekend and list as many ideas as possible and put on here or the forum at MSC.

But the main thing, the 12 Hours was a ton of fun. Based on the way things went, if you are ultra competitive you would tend to come out being a bit disappointed. Lots of fun to see how equal things play out over a longer period of time and team work goes a long way.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
...and team work goes a long way.
It almost seems like an Enduro event would be better suited for a "team" sort of format, and maybe not fit into the MSC overall? Just a thought... having teams of 4-6 riders would cut down the traffic on the track, and definitely make for some exciting strategery. For instance... would the team rules state that there's a "baton" or something that would need passed from one rider to the next, necessitating that the next rider in rotation would have to wait at the finish line to get the chip or baton or whatever? Or could teams try and calculate how quickly their guys were going and have a rider always heading up on the lift, ready to start the next run? And of course, if one guy started before the guy in front of him on his team finished, be assessed a penalty?

Am I over-thinking this?


May 18, 2006
I think we offer solo and team. Also, I think that all signs are pointing towards it NOT being an MSC event.


Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
I think we offer solo and team. Also, I think that all signs are pointing towards it NOT being an MSC event.

Don't you have some content pages to be writing?


Oh, and I worked some double-secret voodoo magic on the Nuke database backups I made and was able to extrapolate last year's race info for a few of the races... Chile, Eldora, Blast, Telluride at least. My plan was to put them in place with a big old "THIS IS LAST YEAR"S INFO, JUST TRYING TO PROD MIKE TO WRITE NEW INFO" kinda disclaimer up top... Whatya think?

Ah yes, the antagonizER has become the antagonizEE...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
I think we offer solo and team. Also, I think that all signs are pointing towards it NOT being an MSC event.

ok, some facts about that many people on track. there will be lines of people in single track, and people waiting to get on lift.

a jam up in single track would cause bad feelings and maybe injury's.
to spread the people out at first have a la mans start 1/4 up the hill
up from the lift racing into 4 lift lines. this way people get spread apart
by the safe lift line and not by trees and rock.

there will still be jam-ups, can't help that. but this would keep it safe
for at least the start.

i think this even would be best at angelfire. good stretches of
road/single track to have passing.


May 18, 2006
Agreed. All things that are under consideration. We could start everyone in line and issue them a start time upon their arrival at the top of the lift - that way everyone would be staggered in about 15-second intervals. It'd make reconciliation at the bottom a bit mroe problematic, but we could sort it out.


PS - the venue we're working with isn't Angel Fire