
Am I wrong for being pissed?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
You should get a fire fighter uniform, drag in a huge hose to her classroom and exclaim that her concerns convinced you to make a career change.


Sep 20, 2004
In My '09 WRX STI
Ok, so i've been going to Guilford College ("uber-liberal college in NC run by the quakers) for 4 years now and am about to graduate. I attend in the evening and sometimes have to show up in uniform. i have never had anything negative said to me about being in uniform at school and most of the time, people mention feeling safer w/ an officer in the room.

so, enter this semester. I'm taking an independent study course entitled; "Understanding Oppressive Systems." My professor pretty much has made it known that i am an oppressor simply because i'm a cop. she preaches that there are no real criminals, just victims of oppression that must cope with their situation :rolleyes:
anyway, i normally change into regular clothes before i go to class but on thurdsday, i was busy working on a search warrant which made me late to class and i didnt have time to change. this was the first time i have come to class in uniform this semester so i got the usual, "hey, can i see you gun?" joking comments from classmates.
the professor comes over to me as i'm getting settled and, in front of the class, asks me if i would mind "putting your gun somewhere". i question what she just said and she stated, to the whole class, that guns make her nervous and would i mind "putting the gun somewhere."
i told her that it is "somewhere"; inside of a triple retention holster and yes, i would mind and no, it's staying where it is. she blatantly rolls her eyes, moves her chair to the other side of the classroom and continues the class.

**Legal Note: As a law enforcement officer, certified by the state of NC, there is no place, private or public that can prohibit me from carrying my weapon, concealed or otherwise. (exeption: federal courthouse) as long as i am in possession of my badge/credentials**

i thought about walking out of class in protest but then i thought it would be fun to watch her squirm in her ignorant fears for the remainder of the class...so i stayed.
after class, she pulled me aside and asked why i felt it necessary to carry the gun on campus. I explained that I AM IN UNIFORM and it's not the brightest idea to walk around in a uniform that says POLICE on it and not have a weapon. i tried to explain to her the type of people i deal with and why i ALWAYS carry a gun w/ me because i frequently run into people that i've arrested and not all of them like me very much and would love to get a shot in on me, especially when i'm w/ my family. the fact that i drive my patrol car to school and department policy requires that i be armed when in a police car.
well, she still didn't quite understand that and proceeded to tell me that this is a safe campus and there is no need for a gun. i promptly reminded her that Virginia Tech is a safe campus and so is columbine, that kind of pissed her off but i think she got my point.
finally, she ended the conversation by demanding that i not come to class armed anymore and i politely told her that it is my right and responsibility as an officer to be armed and that i'm sorry to dissapoint her but i will not cease to carry in class.

so anyway, should i be as livid as i am over this? i mean, i'm all for a safe learning environment and respecting the wishes of others but does she really think a cop w/ a gun in her classroom is going to just start flailing the gun around or something?
i'm not so pissed that she pulled me aside to talk about it after class as i am the fact that she called me out in front of the students and made me the bad guy because i told her no.

i think i'll have a chat w/ the department head on monday to express my concerns; besides, i'm sure she's already brought up her deathly fear of an oppressively armed police officer in her classroom.

4 YEARS at this place and no problems...until now :disgust1::twitch:
Tell her to go pound sand and kick rocks. You mean to tell me that a guy who rapes is 2 year old daughter is oppressed? Holy sh!t.

Next time, just show up with your tac vest, helmet, thigh holster, M4 and carrying your breeching tool strapped to your back.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
manimal, this is me being serious:
LOL @ jon's custom title !!!!

I have little to add to this conversation. I can see you being pissed, but I'd let it slide. Many people just plain (a) don't like guns and (b) really don't like cops.
I grew up with a healthy 'nervousness' towards authority, but that was because many of the police in my home town (cicero, IL) were crooked like a country rode. The things I'd witnessed as a kid .... man. That's all changed as I gained perspective.

Seriously, I really just wanted to laugh at jon's title. :rofl:


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I would be pissed as well. It is your job to enforce the law and create safety, such that those ignorant to reality, such as your teacher, can continue to live in their unrealistic bubble by never having to experieince true crime. Go directly to her department director as well as the dean. Also make sure you get documentation of your meetings in case this affects your grade.


Oct 17, 2002
Go to your police supervisor and ask what you should do. If you're in uniform, you're representing your department and you don't have the same flexibility as a typical college kid.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Tell the department head that she was oppressing you with her passive aggressive behavior enabled by her role as the head of the classroom.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Tell the department head that she was oppressing you with her passive aggressive behavior enabled by her role as the head of the classroom.
Yep...or something like that. I would make sure that the head of the dept. knows about what happened. She will be a whole lot less likely to go out her way to flunk you (because you're an oppressor) if she knows that you take that kind of crap seriously.

BTW, you have every right to be pissed. I'd love to show that chick the part of town I work in to give her a taste of reality. Her hippy theories would go out the window in about 5 minutes. People that are liberal to that extent either have no connection to the real world, have been babied and have never seen anything "bad" happen, or are just completely ignorant. I wonder how she would feel if she was beaten up and robbed? You can bet that she would have no problem with the arresting officer having a gun then...

People like her only spout their idiotic theories when it is convenient for them to do so (or when they think it makes them look intelligent).

In closing; she sucks.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh

I am pretty far left on most issues. (mostly on our support or lack there of, of our country and it's constiuents) but that is a different story...

I own guns (shotguns for shooting clay birdies and some feathered ones from time to time although it has been a while)...

I also have a thing that is built in, and has served me well throughout my short time on earth... it is called reason! the ability to see both sides of a story etc, and develop a reasonable conclusion when the facts have been presented withough bias... This Prof sounds like she is lacking a bit in the "reason" department...

You have a right to be annoyed because in my oppinion this woman would be the first one to call 911 when walking to her car late one night from class, one of the less desirable members of society decides he wants a piece of whatever action he can get from her... then she would be complaining about the response time etc...

The other issue here is she has become the OPPRESSOR at the point that she asked you a very irresponsible request and then had issue with the most responsible response to that request... In your class she has control over several things... including YOUR GRADES which can be extreeeeemely subjective (just ask a teacher :twitch:..... I can make numbers say anything I want them to say! not that I do, but I can) that is a very powerful position.

I would much rather have you hold the gun than the gun sitting in your patrol car, or on the floor under the desk etc.

I would sit back and relax don't change a darn thing you are doing... If you have time to change before class, then change etc... but, I would document everything that was said... if issues come up with grades or her attitude toward you, then go to the head of the dept. or dean etc.

good luck my friend...


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
The other issue here is she has become the OPPRESSOR at the point that she asked you a very irresponsible request and then had issue with the most responsible response to that request...
no kidding. It's another example of how the far left tends to be very intolerant of anything that is not on their agenda.

PC-extremism really ticks me off, and I'm a fairly left leaning moderate


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
no kidding. It's another example of how the far left tends to be very intolerant of anything that is not on their agenda.

PC-extremism really ticks me off, and I'm a fairly left leaning moderate
Word. I'm pretty far left, but I'd let a cop doing his job, raising a family and trying get an education on top of that keep his gun on him. I bet that it might make me slightly uncomfortable for a second, but I'd never ask someone to change for the sake of my own ideosyncratic thought.

This whole "oppressor" nonsense reminds me of a book my friend was reading and telling me about last night- the basic thesis was that there are no "hate crimes" because hate crimes are actually committed out of fear and misunderstanding- if you fear something because it offends your sensibilities and worldview, you often lash out at it. Yeah, I guess....most people call fear translated into violence "hate". I freaking live in the academic world right now (graduate student at Yale studying theology and Christianity in general), but this is bogus.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
I think you handled the situation well, but I think you have every right to be pissed. I find it very disrespectful. You put your neck on the line to keep others safe and this is how she thanks you? :disgust1:

I do agree that a talk with the dept head is in order. If for nothing else than to have the situation documented in case something else happens in the future and because well, the dept head/university needs to know a member of their staff has their head up their a**.

I'm gonna agree. The department head heeds to know one of his faculty is going off the deep end. If for nothing else, to protect yourself academic vigilantism on the part of the teacher. Clearly you're trying to understand someone elses point of view, sounds like your teacher isn't making the same effort.

P.S. make sure you tell him you feel repressed....



Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
no kidding. It's another example of how the far left tends to be very intolerant of anything that is not on their agenda.

PC-extremism really ticks me off, and I'm a fairly left leaning moderate
I recently had a discussion with a far right induhvidual who started with personal insults when he couldn't prove an rather ill-founded argument. I started to get a little riled up when he called the deaths of 3500 Americans and injury of 30,000 more "a pittence". So after he hurled some persona insults at me , the political discussion ended up with him claiming he could beat me at any sport, as long as it was his choice and something I hadn't played in 20+ years.


May 21, 2007
On the losing end of a wishbone
I'll bet dollars to donuts that she has a sack 'o' weed in her desk. Bust her ass in the classroom, show the impressionable young'ens the price of messing with an Officer of the Peace......:biggrin:\

But seriously, I can't say I'm suprised by her reaction, some people are so ignorant regarding firearms that the sight of them alone is enough to make them weep in fear. The argument that an armed Police Officer in the classroom somehow makes the class LESS safe is just confirmation that she is ****in nuts.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Congrats on the education BTW, that's very cool!!

I think it's easy for people at colleges to get wrapped up their bubbles and always be looking for educational moments and things to happen to spur discussions about. A good dose of the real world is very much needed at times, however, and you provided it! Stick to your guns (pun intended).


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
I recently had a discussion with a far right induhvidual who started with personal insults when he couldn't prove an rather ill-founded argument. I started to get a little riled up when he called the deaths of 3500 Americans and injury of 30,000 more "a pittence". So after he hurled some persona insults at me , the political discussion ended up with him claiming he could beat me at any sport, as long as it was his choice and something I hadn't played in 20+ years.
Burly Shirley??? :D


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Yeah...I'm a nutcase commie hippie whackjob and I'm strongly inclined to say that this bitch is nuts. Oppress her good, I say.

This is my rifle...there are many like it, but this one is mine... *barrel stroking*


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
yes, you are wrong and I'd hope a cop would be mature enough not to get pissed, and not neccessary comply but at least be respectful of how the professor feels about guns.


May 26, 2004
I'm not suprised the liberal teacher asked for you to strip down & disarm.
You definately did the right thing as you know by not giving in to anything she says. I would have been extremely dissapointed if you did.

Those liberal humanoids are spreading, & the madness needs to be halted!
Arrest those libs ! lol


Sep 14, 2006
The Right coast
I think she really messed up by passing on the ridealong.
Dope smoking hippie professors don't like to go on ridealongs.

I actually think you should take a few minutes to speak with the department head (of the college) about it, just to let them know what happened. That'll work to your advantage and put her in a bind if she decided to give you a crappy grade or something to contest ever (discrimination?). Most responsible adults are into giving the police assistance or at least their fair share in society. Screw her, you're graduating soon and don't owe her any favors. Tell her you have a Love Gun.

It would also be nice to show her a picture of your kids shooting your guns! :busted:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I think you handled the situation well, but I think you have every right to be pissed. I find it very disrespectful. You put your neck on the line to keep others safe and this is how she thanks you? :disgust1:

I do agree that a talk with the dept head is in order. If for nothing else than to have the situation documented in case something else happens in the future and because well, the dept head/university needs to know a member of their staff has their head up their a**.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
I recently had a discussion with a far right induhvidual who started with personal insults when he couldn't prove an rather ill-founded argument. I started to get a little riled up when he called the deaths of 3500 Americans and injury of 30,000 more "a pittence". So after he hurled some persona insults at me , the political discussion ended up with him claiming he could beat me at any sport, as long as it was his choice and something I hadn't played in 20+ years.

you met my Bro-In-Law?


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
go in for your next class, and do a strip tease act... tell her last week was just a mis-understanding, and you are there to strip for her and to sex her up... complete with handcuffs and all! Tell her she hasn't seen anything yet... wait till she gets a load of YOUR GUN!

she (given your description) will mostlikely reply "I AM NOT A PIECE OF MEAT!"


Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
I used to go to a 2 year college and some of my friends were prison guards coming off the night shift straight into school, uniform (maybe gun, it's been 20 years) and all. I never had a problem with it, and it actually made me feel safer. Like others here, I am usually pretty left on issues, but I would still feel safe with a cop in class with a gun because I would trust that they know how to use/handle/store a weapon.

Talk to the dept. head so's to possibly head off any conflict. Even ask the dept. head to act as a mitigator between you two. Using conflict resolution would at least score ya points in a Quaker based school!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
I hated being a business major in colllege... but I finished with my B.S. in Management/Administration.

With that said, despite my hatred of "business" as a whole, at least my professors were honest.

"It's about money. Plain and simple. Make the numbers, and you'll be liked. If anyone says anything else, they're lying." That's a quote from one of my teachers.

At least they were honest, instead of some hippie in complete denial of the capitalist society that we live in.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
It would also be nice to show her a picture of your kids shooting your guns! :busted:
haha...you should see the pics i took of him last week in my tact gear (swat stuff). the body bunker swallows him whole and he kept falling over 'cause he could barely hold it up. i got a great shot of him in all the gear holding my personal AR ;) he loved it :thumb:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I never understood why a University would put up with proffessors preaching their opinions. They should be there to teach facts and theories and not their personal opinons. I had profs who had some crazy ideas but they spouted all of that outside the classroom, not in front of paying customers. Of course I went to engineering school so radical ideas ranged from wearing short sleeve shirts with ties to use of diesel power plants in applications over 2000KW.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
I never understood why a University would put up with proffessors preaching their opinions. They should be there to teach facts and theories and not their personal opinons. I had profs who had some crazy ideas but they spouted all of that outside the classroom, not in front of paying customers. Of course I went to engineering school so radical ideas ranged from wearing short sleeve shirts with ties to use of diesel power plants in applications over 2000KW.
I never offer opinions on anything unless asked by the students, then I have a 3-4 minute preface before speaking about any issue, and every once in a while, during the conversation, I say the facts are.....(insert facts here)... and my opinion is... (insert opinion here)...in order to clarify that I am neither trying to influence them, nor am I trying to start trouble...

I have people who I work with, who don't take the same approach, and I don't understand or condone that behavior... It is the responsibility of a person in my position to help young adults make descisions, and develop oppinions on their own, and not to influence them with OUR opinion! that practice is completely irresponsible!