
American History X/Ed Norton.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Mackie said:
Uh, JD, New York is in North America, right? :) :)

I agree with you that a good number of skins are into the whole hate scene, but back in the day of CBGB's hardcore matinees and the like, one of the most visible groups of skins in NYC was S.H.A.R.P. - Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice.

White power types were scared to show their faces when these guys were in the house.

Brief synopsis here:
Thank you for pointing out an example of how you can't broadly generalize all groups of people when talking about this issue. :)
Jul 26, 2004
Seattle, WA
skinhead's and nazi's aren't the same group of people.

i have some skinhead friends who certainly aren't racists. some are SHARP's, some are not. In fact, most of them like to beat up nazi's.

skinheads origionally came from a working class subculture in london in the 60's. it was a fashion, a sub-culture to identify with.. it had nothing to do with nazi's or racism. somewhere around the mid 70's, some young members of groups like kkk and the national front (racist and nazis) started to identify themselfs with the same look, and with the 'toughness' that it had associated with it. now it's become common to call nazi's 'skinheads', when yea, sure.. they look the same as the traditional skinheads, but its not the same thing, same group, nor the same values.

again, skinheads are not nazi's. nazi's can be skinheads.


Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
"There is even a Gay-Nazi skinhead group in Chicago."
That is like a African American KKK group.
Maybe they just hate themselves.
All these "groups" are just pathetic, racist or not.
"Uh, I did not get enough hugs growing up, so I need
to be part of a group that looks and acts the same,
because I am too weak to make up my own mind."


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
penguinofdoom said:
skinhead's and nazi's aren't the same group of people.

i have some skinhead friends who certainly aren't racists. some are SHARP's, some are not. In fact, most of them like to beat up nazi's.

skinheads origionally came from a working class subculture in london in the 60's. it was a fashion, a sub-culture to identify with.. it had nothing to do with nazi's or racism. somewhere around the mid 70's, some young members of groups like kkk and the national front (racist and nazis) started to identify themselfs with the same look, and with the 'toughness' that it had associated with it. now it's become common to call nazi's 'skinheads', when yea, sure.. they look the same as the traditional skinheads, but its not the same thing, same group, nor the same values.

again, skinheads are not nazi's. nazi's can be skinheads.

"toughness" meaning putting the boots to someone to make a point is a good idea? dan-o had a pretty good grasp.

It seems like the an undertone of violence and intolerance of others marks the lot of them.

edit: good god which language was I typing in.

It seems like there is an undertone of violence and intolerance of others that marks the lot of them.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
By the way American History X is an excellent movie. I thought Edward Furlong did a really good job in it. He sort of disappeared for awhile but apparently is in a ton of movies about to come out.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Clayton Bigsby is a hilarious character. Here's a blurb from a Chapelle interview from Essence Magazine about the character:

"Some of the things I draw comedy from are real painful things. But there’s a certain delight in doing the characters. [For example], the Clayton Bigsby sketch, as foul as it is, it’s real. It’s based on my grandfather. If you saw him you’d think he’s white and the only thing that would let you know he has any black in him is his hair texture. He was born in a white hospital in 1909, which means that his mother was white, not his father. Because there is no way that a black woman could have a baby in white hospital [back then]. So the bottom line is he looks like a white dude. That was an abstract thing to him [because] in his mind he’s a black guy. [Anyway] the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated my grandfather was on the bus. People came up to him and were like ‘what are you doing on the bus.' He’s like ‘yeah, what are you doing.’ But he had no clue they were talking to him. That’s how I thought of Clayton Bigsby."


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I never saw the movie and given that I see about one movie per year these days, there is little hope of me seeing it anytime soon. What the heck is this "curb scene" people keep referring to?


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
llkoolkeg said:
What the heck is this "curb scene" people keep referring to?

A 'curby' is when one person orders another to lie face down and open his mouth over the ridge of a sidewalk curb, at which point the guy then stomps on his head with full force. You can imagine the severity of damage this causes. I'm surprised you haven't heard of this before.


Apr 1, 2002
Wellington, New Zealand
valve bouncer said:
A good flick for sure but it's no Romper Stomper.
Thats for darn sure. Russell Crowe makes a far better skinhead than Ed Norton does. (disclaimer - That does not make any other russell crowe movie any good tho) The soundtrack is amusing, tho in a very disturbing way.

and just remember it ain't just skinheads that are violent racist losers. Theirs groups from every colour and race like that. Maybe not in the same mster race vein but still


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Mocha said:
A 'curby' is when one person orders another to lie face down and open his mouth over the ridge of a sidewalk curb, at which point the guy then stomps on his head with full force. You can imagine the severity of damage this causes. I'm surprised you haven't heard of this before.
How evil. I wonder why would anyone submit to that, gun or otherwise, while still conscious? I'd personally take my chances trying to make a play for the gun.

Also, why would you be surprised I haven't heard of "Curbies"? I'm not particularly violent and my grasp of popular culture certainly continues to slip as my work, wife, kids and biking absorb all my time awake. The only two movies I have seen in the past two years are "The Terminal" and "American Treasury", compliments of in-law daycare. Remember...I'm the one that had to ask what the "shocker" was! :D :o:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
SkaredShtles said:

So........... what *was* the "shocker"? :confused:

The most colorful explanation I heard was "two in the pink and one in the stink" although "two in the cake and one in the pudding" did get an honorable mention. An amusing concept, really. I personally prefer to use power tools when ladies crave...ah...3rd input stimulation. I gotta eat with those digits, mang! :blah:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
SkaredShtles said:

So........... what *was* the "shocker"? :confused:


oh come on. you haven't learned this on rm yet? two in the pink and one in the stink. somebodies got it as an avatar. its quite the contreversial hand symbol in high schools all over the US evidently. i learn all kinds of usefull pop culture info on this site.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The subject of American History X, Neo-Nazism, is portrayed starkly and honestly with an unflinching eye. The extreme violence, the almost-seducing philosophy, and the poor backgrounds of its members are all part of the neo-nazism.

To complain about this film is missing its point, which is that this film in its realistic portrayals is very critical of the neo-nazism. There is a silent film classic, "A Birth Of Nation", which portrays the KKK as heroes (no joke). Compare the messages from that film.

Also, the classic "I'm a skinhead/I'm not a Nazi". I've heard that argument for 15 years now. My only response was when I became friends with a guy who had some odd discoloring on his face. He said he was removing a face tattoo, and innocently, I asked why. He said he was tired of being harassed for his face tattoo.

All skinheads I met, Nazi or otherwise, thrived on angry confrontration. It seems like if you want to avoid confrontation and accusation, maybe a lower profile might do the trick (like some hair).


laura said:
oh come on. you haven't learned this on rm yet? two in the pink and one in the stink. somebodies got it as an avatar. its quite the contreversial hand symbol in high schools all over the US evidently. i learn all kinds of usefull pop culture info on this site.
Yeah - like the different colored bracelets. I can't believe that kids that can't legally look at pr0n sites have a better handle on it than me. I spend hours on those sites everyday, and like you, I get my good info from RM. :think:

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
laura said:
oh come on. you haven't learned this on rm yet? two in the pink and one in the stink. somebodies got it as an avatar. its quite the contreversial hand symbol in high schools all over the US evidently. i learn all kinds of usefull pop culture info on this site.
(yawn) what rock have ya'll been hiding under? i'm gonna be 40 this year and that stuff was old even when i was in high school...did'nt any of you folks party in college? for more info go here http://www.bigshocker.com/ (safe for work )


Hello Kitty said:
(yawn) what rock have ya'll been hiding under? i'm gonna be 40 this year and that stuff was old even when i was in high school...did'nt any of you folks party in college? for more info go here http://www.bigshocker.com/ (safe for work )
Well - I think we can safely assume that none of us are as cool as you, Kitty. :think:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
llkoolkeg said:
The most colorful explanation I heard was "two in the pink and one in the stink" although "two in the cake and one in the pudding" did get an honorable mention. An amusing concept, really.
Ahhhhhh.......... this all related to Full Trucker awhile back, no? I must've missed it. Maybe I was on a bike ride.

:think: On second thought, it likely *wasn't* a bike ride..... :mumble:


dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
How evil. I wonder why would anyone submit to that, gun or otherwise, while still conscious? I'd personally take my chances trying to make a play for the gun.

Also, why would you be surprised I haven't heard of "Curbies"? I'm not particularly violent and my grasp of popular culture certainly continues to slip as my work, wife, kids and biking absorb all my time awake. The only two movies I have seen in the past two years are "The Terminal" and "American Treasury", compliments of in-law daycare. Remember...I'm the one that had to ask what the "shocker" was! :D :o:

That totally surprises me...that you are so innocent...


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
llkoolkeg said:
Also, why would you be surprised I haven't heard of "Curbies"? I'm not particularly violent and my grasp of popular culture certainly continues to slip as my work, wife, kids and biking absorb all my time awake. The only two movies I have seen in the past two years are "The Terminal" and "American Treasury", compliments of in-law daycare. Remember...I'm the one that had to ask what the "shocker" was! :D :o:
Fair enough. It was very popular among gangs about 10-12 years ago, so I just assumed you would have heard about it. My bad.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Mocha said:
That totally surprises me...that you are so innocent...
Come now...everyone 'round these parts knows I'm as pure as driven polar cap snow! :)

Mocha said:
Fair enough. It was very popular among gangs about 10-12 years ago, so I just assumed you would have heard about it. My bad.
Do they have gangs in Vancouver? I thought all you BCers were mellow! I walked through some areas East of Blunt Brothers and outside of Gastown that were kinda rundown and junkie-filled, but I never felt threatened. The same cannot be said of certain areas in Baltimore and SE DC(read: Anacostia). The worst thing that happened to me in BC was being shown up by you girlies and breaking my bike. :D


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Mackie said:
Uh, JD, New York is in North America, right? :) :)

I agree with you that a good number of skins are into the whole hate scene, but back in the day of CBGB's hardcore matinees and the like, one of the most visible groups of skins in NYC was S.H.A.R.P. - Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice.

White power types were scared to show their faces when these guys were in the house.

Brief synopsis here:

Fringe group. Small memebership. Granted they were badass. They had to be because their movement was weak. They believed but nobody else did. Most folks lacing em' up are about hate no matter what you read on some website. Sorry.....


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
llkoolkeg said:
Come now...everyone 'round these parts knows I'm as pure as driven polar cap snow! :)

Do they have gangs in Vancouver? I thought all you BCers were mellow! I walked through some areas East of Blunt Brothers and outside of Gastown that were kinda rundown and junkie-filled, but I never felt threatened. The same cannot be said of certain areas in Baltimore and SE DC(read: Anacostia). The worst thing that happened to me in BC was being shown up by you girlies and breaking my bike. :D
Yeah, it's pretty mellow here...although people are starting to shoot each other in nightclubs. I grew up in Toronto, and I don't remember hearing much about it there. I seem to recall that it was big in Edmonton.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
jdcamb said:
Fringe group. Small memebership. Granted they were badass. They had to be because their movement was weak. They believed but nobody else did. Most folks lacing em' up are about hate no matter what you read on some website. Sorry.....
We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one, Jim.
Here in New York City non-racist skins were the majority back in the late 80's early 90's. Not sure about now, but back then it was not uncommon to see black, hispanic, asian and other types of skins.

I guess that most folks lacing them up now could be all about hate, or the majority nation wide might be, but here & then (and before there were websites about this type of thing) my experience was that they were rough, they were crazy, but they were generally not racist.
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
First wanted to say that I thought "American History X" was one of the most important movies of the past ten years. It was the only movie I've walked out of and been absolutely unwilling to speak for over five minutes.

I used to teach and supervised Saturday detentions at a school here in northern Virginia. I tried to get permission to show the Saturday detention kids "American History X" after they did their "chores" around the building. Permission was denied and I ended up letting them sleep through "Driving Miss Daisy." I was quite disappointed.


On the shocker subject, you all might remember the punk/metal band, L7. Their old bassist, Jennifer Finch, is now in a band called The Shocker. They have a CD out called "Up Your A*stray." Some of you might like their merch....;)