
eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Putting this here because the Lounge gets the most traffic

Just got the first alert status from County EMS

Just passing along what they recommend for personal protection for EMS responders that you guys can make use of, P100 respirator masks, eye protection, nitrile gloves ( doors etc) frequent hand washing. don't touch your hands to your face without washing or using hand sanitizer first


Turbo Monkey
A few days ago I was walking in this appartment building that has a lot of Asian students.We walk by an elevator and theres an Asian girl sitting next to it, asking people for help.

Another Asian girl is standing next to her, they dont seem to be together, she asks me “Can you please help me get this girl to her appartment? Shes sick and she cant walk”.

Im like: Eh can she get into the elevator?
Her: I dont think so...

At this point I look at girl one and I notice shes pale af and super skinny. She actually looks like shes about to die.

Im usually the first guy to help you out.
I give food to beggars in the street, Ive even given a homeless guy the jacket off my back once.
But I told them Im sorry, I cant help you... You should probably call an Ambulance.

I immediately felt bad about it but kept on walking.
When I got to my car I felt so bad I turned around and started walking back to the elevator. When I got there they were already gone.
I was so fucking relieved but I still feel bad and the whole thing was just super fucking creepy.

Im not sure how to respond if this happens again...
Putting this here because the Lounge gets the most traffic

Just got the first alert status from County EMS

Just passing along what they recommend for personal protection for EMS responders that you guys can make use of, P100 respirator masks, eye protection, nitrile gloves ( doors etc) frequent hand washing. don't touch your hands to your face without washing or using hand sanitizer first
Fuck that.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
mortality rate of people infected by the flu is 0.13% so far they are seeing a mortality rate for Corona virus of 3% hell of a big difference and this is early in the epidemic the two other corona virus outbreaks SAR's had a mortality rate of 10% by the end and MER's was 34%


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Haley's school has a flu outbreak; I'm not sure what the vaccination rate there is. Over 70% of the school has been over over the last week; consistently 50% any given day. Flu is fucking real.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Don't shoot the messenger. Nothing wrong with a little extra caution/preparation. I'm sure were going to wind up soaking the airplanes with disinfectants again, as we did with the last ZOMG! virus du jour. If first responders are getting heads up memos about taking extra precautions, I'll be sure to put on some gloves next time i'm working in the cabin, and I will move on with my life.

Haley's school has a flu outbreak; I'm not sure what the vaccination rate there is. Over 70% of the school has been over over the last week; consistently 50% any given day. Flu is fucking real.
My wifes class had attendance rates of about 50-60% all last week. Teh cootie is definitely circulating amongst the kids.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Like Pesqueeb said I'm just passing on some info. They want us to mask glove, apron, face shield and mask up the patient if we can ( not on suction or O2 mask) and only take patients with symptoms to specially set up Isolation wards at certain hospitals after making proper radio notifications then do full rig decon after transport. I just distilled it down to some simple precautions to minimize your risk. Do what you want or need to do.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
This is all such bullshit.
10k Americans have died from the 2019-20 flu season.
But Coronavirus.
Yes, this was the gist of NPR yesterday when I was listening. Epidemics sound scary, but are handled pretty routinely and there's nothing that this really impacts here in the US or most any other developed country.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Don't shoot the messenger. Nothing wrong with a little extra caution/preparation. I'm sure were going to wind up soaking the airplanes with disinfectants again
Really, you should do that after every flight. Nasty stuff, airplanes are.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
@eric strt6 i wasn’t directing my post at you per se.

I was in China during SARS and also don’t think the King Flu data coming out of China can be trusted.

That said, hearing people speaking of this in excited tones at the local store is a little much at this stage.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Let the person who never drank too much piss beer or peach snaps throw the first stone. ;)
Dude, I am from a country where brewing piss beer was rewarded by capital punishment, for centuries. I drank all sorts of cheap alcohol as a kid, but by age 18, I must have drunk more quality beer than most americans in their lifetime. :fancy:


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I was in China during SARS and also don’t think the King Flu data coming out of China can be trusted.

That said, hearing people speaking of this in excited tones at the local store is a little much at this stage
I think the problem is just that, you can’t trust the figures coming out of China because they under report. NYT had a pretty good summary on their podcast,but basically you lose favor in the communist party if your district has shot like this go wrong, so they lie and hope it goes away. Works most of the time, but every once in a while it goes sideways, this seems to be one of those times. At least a few party officials in Wuhan are going to get disappeared for this one.

This is also a case where many people are too dumb to be given real information, at this point, in this country, you should be aware of it but maybe not worried yet.People will lick each others buttholes during flue season and avoid vaccines because Jenny Mcarthytold them to, but now they won’t go to Panda Express because they’re afraid to catch Wuhan from the orange chicken.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
I think the problem is just that, you can’t trust the figures coming out of China
Dude, the US government told everyone the giant cloud of nano asbestos at 911 was safe. Many of those people are dead or very sick. You can't trust any government in a mass casualty event. The government always values a calm population over your individual life.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
All I know is, as an airline employee, swine flu hysteria was prime Mexico non-rev travel time. Were I even vaugely interested in travel to China, Id bet the seat map is WIDE open. International business class is best class. :fancy:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
All I know is, as an airline employee, swine flu hysteria was prime Mexico non-rev travel time. Were I even vaugely interested in travel to China, Id bet the seat map is WIDE open. International business class is best class. :fancy:

Or not. "In response to the continued drop in demand for travel to China and the U.S. Department of State’s decision to raise its China travel advisory to a Level 4, we are suspending operations between our hub cities and Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai, beginning Feb. 6 until March 28...............We will continue to operate one daily flight between San Francisco and Hong Kong. "

106 Opens seats to Hong Kong from SFO if you can be to SFO by 10 tonight. 161 tomorrow. :rofl: