
++ Good Monday Morning ++

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
...decided since Stosh is obviously slacking, I'd start the thread... But I didn't want to infringe on whatever copyright he might hold on the "~~" prefix and suffix.

Got drunk last night. In retrospect, it probably wasn't the smartest thing I did all week, considering I had to be at work at 8:00, but in my defense, it was the birthday of one of my girlfriend's friends, so I really didn't have a choice.

Everyone have a good weekend?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Monday morning hangovers are tough. I try very hard to avoid them. Monday morning is hard enough to deal with as it is.

MBC and I had a nice weekend. I made a good meal Saturday night, then we headed to Mt Snow early Sunday morning for a day of skiing. Fantastic weather and ski conditions. Good stuff. :) We got on the lift at 8:15 and I was spent by 1:00. We probably got 10-11 runs in.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - what were you drinking last night bv??

I had a good weekend. Friday Night went to Liam's Mite B state tourney game and we (I say we because I help coach) upset Southern CT 4-3 in the first game. Drove back home and spent the night at Laura's.

Got up early on Saturday morning to drive back down to Shelton for two games. We lost the morning game 6-3 to East Haven (their fans were asshats) and then in the afternoon we beat Avon 2-0. On to the Semifinals on Sunday!!

Drove back after the Avon game and spent some time at the apartment before going out to a really nice dinner with Laura at a new Italian Grill. I had Paella and it was kick ass! She had seafood Fra Diavlo.

Back down to Shelton on Sunday morning. Liam's team played their hearts out but lost to Watertown A in the Semifinals 2-1. It was a tough loss because they really played well and had it not been for one shot that hit the post and another that hit the crossbar we would have come away with the win.

Sunday afternoon I just chilled at my apartment with the dogs and I cleaned and did some laundry (folding sucks!).

A lot of driving, but well worth it to see the kids having so much fun and playing so well.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
G'mornin everyone! Just found out my parents sold their house over the weekend...I didn't know they even managed to get it on the market last week. If they did, it was sold within 24hours of it going on the market!!!
What sucks is the buyers want to move in on March 31 - my back already aches from the work that lies ahead ;).

Had a great weekend though! Friday night Steve and I chilled with his family watchin movies. Saturday was a hottub day - with good food in the evening :D, Sunday we tore apart his apartment for some awesome renovations.

Today's gonna suck :( Gotta lay out the plan for training the new guy to be my official backup - since I'll be on the road at least one week a month beginning late this month.
First stop - Wyoming!!! I can't wait to see if this cowboy state lives up to everything I've heard about it! :) :thumb:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
woke up Saturday w/a hangover - decided to lay off booze for 2 weeks, that lasted for about 10 hours - 3 of my female coworkers called and wanted me to meet them out, they picked the bar my friend owns which = free booze for me :D

Yesterday skied at Stratton, a little chilly but most of the trails were in awesome shape

so starting yesterday I decided to do 15 days w/o booze :eek:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
No hangover IAB - actually, I've never in my life had a hangover (knock on wood), even when I really, really deserved one. Just kinda beat.

Mark, was drinking $2 pints of Newcastle and playing a little pool. Congrats to Liam on the wins and for playing hard on the losses.

Ordered a toolbox at Sears online last week and am anxiously awaiting its arrival:

Bought some medium density fiberboard at Home Depot this weekend to bolt to the top of it as a work surface.. Just need some handles to bolt to the side of it for portability, and some drawer liners. Can't wait to have a nice toolbox and get out of the crappy plastic one that is too small and too flimsy!


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning! I'm home today. Just hanging with my daughter, watching cartoons. Weekend was good. I actually got on a bike yesterday. Just rode it around the block a couple times, but it felt good. Also pedaled my DH bike up and down our street. I think it needs some TLC before the race season begins. We've got more snow on the way here, up to another foot overnight tonight I believe. I'm going to try to get down to the LBS today to pick up some more parts that came in so I can work on the bikes tomorrow during the "blizzard". Have a good day all!! :)


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
McGRP01 said:
Morning! I'm home today. Just hanging with my daughter, watching cartoons. Weekend was good. I actually got on a bike yesterday. Just rode it around the block a couple times, but it felt good. Also pedaled my DH bike up and down our street. I think it needs some TLC before the race season begins. We've got more snow on the way here, up to another foot overnight tonight I believe. I'm going to try to get down to the LBS today to pick up some more parts that came in so I can work on the bikes tomorrow during the "blizzard". Have a good day all!! :)

where are you planning on racing DH? what class?


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
binary visions said:

That's over six miles... Walking or running?
Yes sir. 6.2 Miles. I intended to only do 5K, but was feeling good when that was finished, I realized I ran the 5K loop in the more difficult direction and my son seemed to be enjoying it, so we turned around after a brief stretch and did it again in the other direction.

I was feeling GREAT at 10K and would have gone for another 5, but my son seemed to be done with it, so we went home and started drinking.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
MMcG said:
Jackson Hole is in Wyoming right???
Yeppers - and that will probably be one of the locations I go for a full days' worth of classes. I think for this trip, because I've heard the state is so amazing, I'm going to try and squeeze in the weekends around my week of classes so I can play a bit.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Did some time on the trainer. Went out for a few beers. Other than that, laid low... still having post-vacation depression I think.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
decent weekend. went out to eat friday night w/ the wife, which was nice. had a couple pre-dinner drinks in the lounge, and a great striped bass dinner. saturday we checked out a bathroom showroom for sink ideas (we are gonna renovate our bathroom off our bedroom). place was super busy but we saw a real cool one (no idea on cost, though...probably exorbitant). ate lunch at some mexican place; the chile rellenos was OK.

yesterday my sis-in-law came over and her daughter played w/ the boys, so i headed to the gym. kids didn't want to go outside, but we took a drive to get some more cheap picture frames. all the digging through the photos has spurred us to get a bunch of stuff printed, framed and hung, and we've probably got 25 or so pictures hanging in our stairwell now. looks great!

ended the weekend by making a roast halibut dinner w/ homemade pesto, some asparagus and potatoes. tasty.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Good morning yall.
Saturday was awesome. midday shuttle on Tunnel trail. The trail took all the CA rains bad. Rockier than ever and muddy, but fun! Afterwards 8 of us covered in mud took over the patio of a bar on State St and preceded to power down pitchers, yeah!
I was supposed to go out with Maria (the mommy ;) ) but she had food poisoning from some bad sushi :dead:

Sunday I went out to the wine country to map the Firestone XC race. 13 mile course with some good elevation gain. The trail needs a serious haircut though, the weeds were tall! Later on Jesse and I cleaned up the GPS data and started the carto work. Elevation profile is almost done too.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
douglas said:
where are you planning on racing DH? what class?
I'll be racing beginner this year. The terms of my sponsorship say that I have to race at least 4 events this year, one of which has to be a Norba Nat'l event. I'll be at Snowshoe and Mt. Snow as far as Norba events go and then I'll be doing a bunch of races at Platty, Diablo (they're having their own race series this year) and where ever else the team takes me.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Great weekend!

Sat-did an early morning run...5.60 miles without stopping!! Then went home and chilled with some coffee and cleaned my office :dead: Met my family for a casual ride on the Burke Gilman, got to hang out with my 18 month old niece :love: Feel asleep on the couch at 8pm.

Sun-short 1.5 hour ride though some pretty challenging technical twisty, tight trail(only crashed once :thumb: ) Soccer in the afternoon, we kicked some serious ass (11-0)! Then my mom took my shopping for my Moab trip at REI :cool: for my birthday. Asleep in bed, this time, by 9pm.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
McGRP01 said:
I'll be racing beginner this year. The terms of my sponsorship say that I have to race at least 4 events this year, one of which has to be a Norba Nat'l event. I'll be at Snowshoe and Mt. Snow as far as Norba events go and then I'll be doing a bunch of races at Platty, Diablo (they're having their own race series this year) and where ever else the team takes me.
Good luck in your upcoming DH race season!!!! :thumb:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
McGRP01 said:
I'll be racing beginner this year. The terms of my sponsorship say that I have to race at least 4 events this year, one of which has to be a Norba Nat'l event. I'll be at Snowshoe and Mt. Snow as far as Norba events go and then I'll be doing a bunch of races at Platty, Diablo (they're having their own race series this year) and where ever else the team takes me.

awesome! DH racing is so FUN!! (I raced @ mt. snow, platty & once at west)
I wish I had the time, $$ and skills to do some more DH races (I 'retired' when I needed to move up a class)

oh, yeah - kick some ass and good luck!!


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
we headed to Mt Snow early Sunday morning for a day of skiing. Fantastic weather and ski conditions. Good stuff. :)
it's such a cruel twist of fate that you easterners have good snow. i skiied on slush on saturday and decided to call it a weekend at that even tho my group had the rental cabin/house for saturday night too.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
Where in Wyoming?
I'll be all over - it's a statewide training, so we'll do 5 different locations (new location each day) where districts will be invited to come in and be trained on the new services their DOE is providing. Plus we have some long-time customers that I need to do a drop-in and meet face to face.

5.60 run! Nice job :). I wish I could keep running, instead I'm settling for 7-mile walks in the sunshine - which are nice, but not super fun. I have to invent places to go - oh, I forgot to buy apples this week, I'll walk to the farthest grocery store and back to buy those. lol. You up for riding this week?


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Oh boy - just did the math - the next few months are gonna be tough - but I can hack it....

Within 3 months I will have 0 credit card debt, and within 5 my car will also be paid in full... :dead:

It's a great goal, and I've done good getting to this point, but because I finally got to a point where the end is visible, I just wanna tighten my belt and get the hard part over with.


Wumpus said:
F'in flu all weekend -- even my feet hurt. :dead:

At least the weather was crappy so I wasn't wishing I was out riding.
But I got you a saw. :D


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Monkies! :D

Raced my second beginner DH race this weekend, and this time actually got to race against two other people. I got first place AND took 30 sec off my time from the last race. YAY! :)

Hope everyone has a good day.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
binary visions said:
Everyone have a good weekend?
Had fun this weekend.
Friday my daughter's daycare was cancelled so I took the day off and hung out with her. Nice to have some time to play with her & take her for a walk around our new neighborhood.
Then I took her to her grandma's for a couple of hours while I took a short ride - Friday was a beautiful day once the snow started to melt.

Saturday we had 10 people over for dinner - no small feat in a house without much furniture. Drank a fair bit of wine, followed by a big glass of eau-de-vie de pomme that I did not need.

Woke up a little foggy Sunday & cruised into the city to catch the last day of the Gates thing. Pretty cool, but not really art (IMHO).


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Mackie said:
Had fun this weekend.
Friday my daughter's daycare was cancelled so I took the day off and hung out with her. Nice to have some time to play with her & take her for a walk around our new neighborhood.
Then I took her to her grandma's for a couple of hours while I took a short ride - Friday was a beautiful day once the snow started to melt.

Saturday we had 10 people over for dinner - no small feat in a house without much furniture. Drank a fair bit of wine, followed by a big glass of eau-de-vie de pomme that I did not need.

Woke up a little foggy Sunday & cruised into the city to catch the last day of the Gates thing. Pretty cool, but not really art (IMHO).
Hey Mackie!

Are you and Mrs. Mackie in a new house? How's the little Mackie-ette??

Any pics of the Gates thing?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Jr_Bullit said:
Within 3 months I will have 0 credit card debt, and within 5 my car will also be paid in full... :dead:
Hearty congratulations! :thumb:

My car is paid off this month, and it's been quite a while since I paid off my own stupid credit card debt; I still don't trust myself to have a credit card.

I'm psyched to be out from under the car payment. The plan is to drive this car until it just about dies underneath me. Hopefully by then I'll be in a better position to have another Tacoma!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
morning all

woke up to a bunch of snow all over the place this morning.

friday-went out drinking at a bar and saw a band called "the juggernaut jug band" that a friends dad plays in then ended up back at my apartment with a female.

saturday-it was gorgeous out wanted to ride but both of my rear derailleur hanger screws are gone (wtf).

sunday-uhmmmmmmm i cooked up some food and didnt really do anything at all.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
binary visions said:
Hearty congratulations! :thumb:

My car is paid off this month, and it's been quite a while since I paid off my own stupid credit card debt; I still don't trust myself to have a credit card.

I'm psyched to be out from under the car payment. The plan is to drive this car until it just about dies underneath me. Hopefully by then I'll be in a better position to have another Tacoma!
congrats dude. i think im gonna be getting rid of my car and buying my buddies cherokee for 2000.00 bucks. then i will have no car payment and can drop down to just collision instead of full coverage (required by car loan people). i have 1 year left before my credit cards are gone. have paid off 4 of 6 already.


Sep 26, 2004
Away in the head
Afternoon, folks.

Eventful weekend for me - out on friday night at a big band jazz concert that just blew me away, worked saturday, out saturday night helping with a comedy club-style night at church, and then my bike got stolen as I was about to leave :dead: £450 hardtail that just got pimped out with £200 forks, and it got grabbed from the church car-park whilst I went back inside for <4 minutes to help close up. Boy, was I crapping myself

Thankfully, some of the local louts turned out to be not that bad after all, they found the guys who had it and re-stole it for me. I am now a very happy monkey :D


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
my weekend started with our furnace not working, 32 degrees outside. 50 year old house with no insulation and two GIANT single pane windows (6' x 8' or so) that suck any heat outside the house. thinking we ran out of oil, we called and had them fill the tank. furnace still doesn't work, call repair guy, get a $600.00 bill and it still doesn't work. furnace needs to be replaced......oh joy.

saturday rode around in the sun with a few friends and had a good time. drank 7 or so beers saturday night. (alone of course, it's the only way to drink ;)).

rode around sunday in the sun, friend got a flat tire so we came back to my place and chilled in the sun while he repaired it. then pedaled to the store and got some crappy hot dogs (it was so sunny and nice, it felt like summer. hot dogs just seemed right:)).
ate the dogs, then rode the ramp in the backyard for an hour or so. then an early bedtime. woke up today to rain and couldn't be happier. (minus the few thousand dollar bill we are looking at for a new furnace...:()

Mark, wall tap thingy....