
Specialized says f you to their dealer network


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2015
I would be willing to bet they are going to use pandemic and supply chains for crutch excuses as well.
Everybody and their mother using that excuse can just eff off right now. If it's possible to buy toys from China again at pre-pandemic prices and they are stocking up fine right now again then all this logistics blah is just that - a cheap excuse that's expensive for us, the customers. Fuck em!


neu bizutch
Feb 5, 2006
not in Whistler anymore :/
Everybody and their mother using that excuse can just eff off right now. If it's possible to buy toys from China again at pre-pandemic prices and they are stocking up fine right now again then all this logistics blah is just that - a cheap excuse that's expensive for us, the customers. Fuck em!
those japanese malaysia toys are missing though. can’t distribute what you didn’t produce


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Everybody and their mother using that excuse can just eff off right now. If it's possible to buy toys from China again at pre-pandemic prices and they are stocking up fine right now again then all this logistics blah is just that - a cheap excuse that's expensive for us, the customers. Fuck em!
i used to work in the toy industry and have been to the factories in china and to see that compared to the bike industry is laughable. :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 12, 2006
bikes have actual tolerances.

Seems there are levels of acceptable variances coming out of many Asian factors. The best was the numerous Cervelo $5K frames that had issues. Is it still $25K to ship a shipping container on a boat from over there when it used to be $3-5K? Not sure how many bike boxes fit in one of those but has to be a shit ton. Now I know the Longshoreman in LA area where sort of on strike for a long while so that slowed it down. Is there still a bunch of boats waiting to be offloaded? Sucks for the dealers not sure what I would do if I was one. Guess hunt down companies like GG, Nicolia, Yeti etc. that would be more flexible with your inventory and lead times.


free wieners
There is a big difference between shipping directly from China (fastpak, DHL, etc), and all of the crap coming in cargo containers.
This is fastpak tracking for one of my current shipments

Screen Shot 2022-01-28 at 6.57.01 AM.png

This is the latest paid report via SCME that has since increased by 39 vessels inside and 46 outside the port

Screen Shot 2022-01-28 at 7.38.21 AM.png

All still have to clear customs BTW

"There is a new Chinese Port Shut Down which may make what we saw in 2021 looking like child's play in 2022. The container ships in California are still floating in open seas and nothing has been fixed. 20 million people are in lock down in China and this is very bad news with the Beijing Winter Olympics just around the corner. The Beijing Winter Olympics are to begin on February 4, 2022 and at this time the trains and buses are suspended from Tianjin to Beijing.

The Chinese Zero-Covid policy has pretty much ground the global supply chain to a screeching halt. 5.5 Million people are locked down in Anyang, Henan Province. 1.1 million are only able to go outside to buy food and only grocery stores are open. Plus there are 13 million people confined to their homes in Xi'an China. Now Samsung and Micron, two of the largest chipmakers in the world are coming out with updates on the chip shortage and saying that the global chip shortage is likely to worsen because of these Chinese port shut downs and everything that's happening with the global supply chain. The Ningbo port shut down in the Zhejiang province has forced factory closures and placed restrictions on trucking in China. Airfreight has slowed down to a crawl because China has isolated 100 crew members after 3 pilots contracted the illness. All of this has basically reignited the global supply chain delays.

On top of everything, the container ships in California have not been unloaded and the problem persists even though we may not be able to see them from the shore. Basically what the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach have done is push the container ships 40 from the shoreline and into international waters. Generally speaking it's considered that once you've gone out 200 nautical miles (approximately 230 land miles), you're out in international waters. There are different rules but in some cases, just 24 miles out of port can be considered international waters too. This is why they pushed the ships out 40 miles. This way you can't see the problem. Unfortunately the problem is still there and has been there for a year now. Who knows what's left of the products still in those container ships. How much of them are still salvageable and how much is rotten and covered in mold. Out of sight, out of mind is the mentality.

Lastly, truckers and all U.S. consumers should know that if Russia moves on Ukraine, be prepared to pay a whole lot more for gas and diesel."
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Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Specialized and their relationship with their dealers has long been fraught. If any dealer didn't see this coming or at least as a possibility, that's on them. Always good to know who you're in business with.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Specialized and their relationship with their dealers has long been fraught. If any dealer didn't see this coming or at least as a possibility, that's on them. Always good to know who you're in business with.
the shops i worked at in college USED to sell both trek and specialized. and sold a lot of both (probably more trek IIRC). at one point specialized basically told the shop's owner that if he wanted to continue selling specialized bikes, he had to stop selling trek stuff.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I feel dirty for currently considering a SpecEd for a new XCM race bike :(