
The interesting science thread

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
OK my problem with this is the time span is way too short for fossilization. That's just a dry turd in a museum.
I think with a high mineral content (Yellowstone) you can get fossilization in a much shorter time frame not that that has anything to do with this piece of shit...


free wieners
Not really a new discovery actually, When I was in my silviculture classes of fire behavior in the 90's you could read these actions portrayed in the growth rings, flood years will give wide spaces in the rings, drought years will bring tight rings, and fire seasons (depending on severity) will produce a very dark and stunted ring similar to drought years but will ingest ash as seen in a dark layer on the ring itself. Sometimes you can observe several fires in a season as well. Its very prominent in renewable conifer species in scheduled harvesting units, 2nd and 3rd growth forests, and even deciduous but much more difficult to see in slow-growing hardwoods and riparian species.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
If you watch through to the end, the jpg code insertion is cool.

@jimmydean there's your challenge

Epic. So many hours, damn. 4660 code instances of the Doom Pi. :rofl:

<edit> quick History lesson. I started at Intel February of '94 and got a copy of Doom soon after. We would blow up the Corporate network during the night shift. I worked Shift 6 from 7pm to 7am W, Th, Fri.
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Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Not quite science, but science related.
The last image taken by the Cassini probe before it crashed into Jupiter.
View attachment 217744
Unfortunately that’s not true, because it’s cool, but actually that’s an ‘artist’s impression’. Also; wrong gas giant.



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
This guy's MS Paint skills are amazing. I've watched a few of his vids, super interesting, but its almost worth it just for the MS Paint alone.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
No doubt having already extinguished any practical cooking applications.