
2020 speculation thread


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Would you really discount a candidate based on a story, with some questionable anecdotes at best?
I'd hope that the NYT would have verified their sources. But perhaps I'm too optimistic there.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
I felt like weve already had this conersation.

Much more of a deal killer to me than the much ado about nothing regarding Warren and her family’s oral history that they had Native roots.
A lot can be said about a persons character by the way they treat underlings/staff. I once worked for a guy whose highest time employee had 2 years on the job. Didnt take me long to realize that should have been a sign. I barely stayed a year.

Fuck you, Scott.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/22/us/politics/amy-klobuchar-staff.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Yeah, nah. Hard pass. She seems like an unpleasant human from what's relayed in there, not just someone who has high expectations for herself and her staff, or whatever the phrase was that she used.
She seems like kind of a bitch. I dunno. If she survives the primaries I'll probably vote for her with the same "enthusiasm" I had voting for Hillary, but she doesnt seem like the sort of candidate who I will volunteer for. Maybe further parsing will change that.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
are you kidding? she’s getting nowhere. the dem nominations/winnowing process is going to be a giant clusterfuck. i think at the end of the day harris...maybe gillibrand...maybe warren...will still be in the mix in some capacity. bernie will effect the direction lf the conversation bit likely not on the ticket. joe’s too old.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Yeah, but given how misleading the original hit piece vid that was released was.......
Weren’t they both released by Sunrise Movement? My first post was their own tweet.

In any event it summarizes the challenge the DNC has trying to accommodate the young voters they harnessed.
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
That is a brain-dead comment and you know it.
You usually do better. This is not a faux news echo chamber.
People round these parts kind of know how shit works.

Please try harder.
Review candidates sites.
Note promises.
Please tell me how they will be paid for, none of them have answers

I’m the centrist Dem squeeb hates and he’s the type of Dem that will re-elect trump with crack pipe policies.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
I’m the centrist Dem
There has been exactly zero evidence to support this claim in anything you've posted in the last year. You post nothing but right wing conspiracy hyperbole, fallacy, talking points, bogeymen, and/or otherwise general pearl clutching bullshit. You're either listening to a metric shit ton of AM radio, are glued to fox news, or buying supplements from Alex Jones. If I had a nickle for every hair-on-fire piece you've posted about Cortez, I could pay for the fucking wall.

A quick search of PaWN reveals at least two incidents of you referring to Hillary as, and I quote,
Hillary is an insufferable cunt.
Hillary, who I voted for despite being an unlikable cunt.
Only in the right wing bubble does Hillary not count as a Democratic Centrist. She wasn't my first choice either, because if this was 1985 her policies would have made her a slightly left leaning Reagan Republican. You don't have to like it, but the sort of policy that people like Bernie, Warren, Harris, etc are talking about poll very well among likely voters. You complain
Review candidates sites.
Note promises.
Please tell me how they will be paid for, none of them have answers
yet show me one candidate who successfully ran on a platform of "I won't do shit for you!". As if somehow the key to running a successful campaign is to lower expectations, tell everyone you're going to screw them, and under performing. WTF do you honestly expect them to say, especially 2 years out?


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
A quick search of PaWN reveals at least two incidents of you referring to Hillary as, and I quote,
yeah, but she is. She was the embodiment of the things that represent me (politics as normal, don't rock the boat, liberal bedroom policy with conservative fiscal values), but she sucks, and that's why she lost the election. She couldn't even beat donny in a debate, despite all her training, talent, and skill- she looked weak and american voters don't care about policy, they care about red or blue and likeable, and that's what Hillary lacked.

Only in the right wing bubble does Hillary not count as a Democratic Centrist. She wasn't my first choice either, because if this was 1985 her policies would have made her a slightly left leaning Reagan Republican. You don't have to like it, but the sort of policy that people like Bernie, Warren, Harris, etc are talking about poll very well among likely voters.
you know who didn't poll well with likely voters? the current president of the united states. the loudest people hate him the most, but it's the quiet people that got him in the office. It's great that you think AOC style policies are going to fix everything. She's certainly going to make a lot of people in brooklyn and boston and southern california very happy....but those states aren't going to get her elected. There are a lot of people that don't want to "vote for free shit 2020" and you've got to make them happy too in order to win.

Again, it would be great if the election was berniebot 7.9 vs. mitt romney or john mccain, but it's not- it's liberal nutjob vs. conservative nutjob, and liberal nuts aren't going to swing middle class white women from the suburbs or older black men from the south to win the actual election that matters.

Besides...that feinstein piece is a hit job- I don't know why the libs want to take out powerful members of their own party. Feinstein is right, wihtout compromise and tactics you can't get anything done in washington. It's not even worth discussing "Green new deal" policies until you can POSSIBLY vote it into place...instead it's going to take out moderate dems in states that matter, and we're going to LOSE AGAIN. Bernie's legacy will help us lose in 2020 as well


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
There has been exactly zero evidence to support this claim in anything you've posted in the last year. You post nothing but right wing conspiracy hyperbole, fallacy, talking points, bogeymen, and/or otherwise general pearl clutching bullshit. You're either listening to a metric shit ton of AM radio, are glued to fox news, or buying supplements from Alex Jones. If I had a nickle for every hair-on-fire piece you've posted about Cortez, I could pay for the fucking wall.

A quick search of PaWN reveals at least two incidents of you referring to Hillary as, and I quote,

Only in the right wing bubble does Hillary not count as a Democratic Centrist. She wasn't my first choice either, because if this was 1985 her policies would have made her a slightly left leaning Reagan Republican. You don't have to like it, but the sort of policy that people like Bernie, Warren, Harris, etc are talking about poll very well among likely voters. You complain

yet show me one candidate who successfully ran on a platform of "I won't do shit for you!". As if somehow the key to running a successful campaign is to lower expectations, tell everyone you're going to screw them, and under performing. WTF do you honestly expect them to say, especially 2 years out?
You can believe what you want , and I should’ve said centrist Dem voter, but I’ve voted straight Dem for 32 years. That still doesn’t make Hillary someone I want in office because she makes my skin crawl.

The DNC frequently pushes an agenda I don’t agree with (guns etc) but I vote for my sons and my wife, not myself. I know I’m a dinosaur.

That said the progressives are going to reelect trump if they don’t reign it in. Please quote that for posterity and we can revisit in 2020.
You can believe what you want , and I should’ve said centrist Dem voter, but I’ve voted straight Dem for 32 years. That still doesn’t make Hillary someone I want in office because she makes my skin crawl.

The DNC frequently pushes an agenda I don’t agree with (guns etc) but I vote for my sons and my wife, not myself. I know I’m a dinosaur.

That said the progressives are going to reelect trump if they don’t reign it in. Please quote that for posterity and we can revisit in 2020.
I think it likely that Mr. Trump will be re-elected, but not because of progressives, but because the Democratic Party is sold out and fossilized.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I think it likely that Mr. Trump will be re-elected, but not because of progressives, but because the Democratic Party is sold out and fossilized.
Both parties are and have been for years.

The extremes of both make lots of noise that gets confused with popularity. I don’t think it resonates with the majority, we’ll find out soon enough.

I can only speak for myself, but if the Dem keeps going looney left, I’m out before 2020 and will become their independent nightmare voter. I find a lot of what they’re pushing as bad for America despite their air of moral authority.

A bigger concern than voters like me, as most moderate Dems will bite their tongue and simply vote against the gop (hi Hillary!), is keeping the attention of young voters.

They were promised the world at the March for the Cause du Jour events and are expecting their wishes to be granted. Look at the entitlement in that Feinstein video. They won’t settle for anything less than Now for change, because that’s what they were sold, and the DNC won’t deliver.

I’d like to see either a coalition government or a true third party to end this tit for tat cycle we’re becoming entrenched in. But I don’t ever see that happening in my lifetime.
Both parties are and have been for years.

The extremes of both make lots of noise that gets confused with popularity. I don’t think it resonates with the majority, we’ll find out soon enough.

I can only speak for myself, but if the Dem keeps going looney left, I’m out before 2020 and will become their independent nightmare voter. I find a lot of what they’re pushing as bad for America despite their air of moral authority.

A bigger concern than voters like me, as most moderate Dems will bite their tongue and simply vote against the gop (hi Hillary!), is keeping the attention of young voters.

They were promised the world at the March for the Cause du Jour events and are expecting their wishes to be granted. Look at the entitlement in that Feinstein video. They won’t settle for anything less than Now for change, because that’s what they were sold, and the DNC won’t deliver.

I’d like to see either a coalition government or a true third party to end this tit for tat cycle we’re becoming entrenched in. But I don’t ever see that happening in my lifetime.
The fact that they are and have been for years is a serious problem and has led to our current oligarchy.

I agree with you that sudden change is damaging - change needs to be phased in.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
She was the embodiment of the things that represent me (politics as normal, don't rock the boat, liberal bedroom policy with conservative fiscal values), but she sucks, and that's why she lost the election. She couldn't even beat donny in a debate, despite all her training, talent, and skill- she looked weak and american voters don't care about policy, they care about red or blue and likeable, and that's what Hillary lacked.
That's the argument I'm making! But I get rebuffed with this notion that what the democratic party needs in 2020 is Hillary, but more so. More bland, more limp do-nothing policy, more wall street, more conservatism, more politics as usual will win the day! Somehow.....

you know who didn't poll well with likely voters? the current president of the united states. the loudest people hate him the most, but it's the quiet people that got him in the office.
Lest we forget, Hillary actually won the popular vote, by damn near 3 million illegals, presumably. Gore also won the popular vote. Almost as if Democratic policy appeals to more people.

It's great that you think AOC style policies are going to fix everything.
I have never said that. But I keep getting words put into my mouth about her not because I'm defending her but because I keep calling bullshit on the scare pieces getting posted here about how she's going to burn the nation to the ground before she was ever even sworn in. How long has she been an elected official in office? 6-7 weeks? And that's my point. Before she was even sworn in at was "ZOMG! SOCALISZMS! HIDE YO WHITE BABAIES! SCARY BROWN WOMAN!". All I have ever said is "For the love of god, wait and see."

and liberal nuts aren't going to swing middle class white women from the suburbs or older black men from the south to win the actual election that matters.
keeping the attention of young voters.
Know who came out in spades in 2018 for mid-term democrats? Black men, white women from the 'burbs and their kids.

Besides...that feinstein piece is a hit job- I don't know why the libs want to take out powerful members of their own party.
I don't know anything about this, I haven't watched the video or read anything about it. Just like with that actor guy, literally the first I hear or see of it is a "Libruls are evil!/both sides" post by Dan-o. And before I get my balls busted for admitting that, I'd like to point out that at least two people called it a "hit piece" before I ever even started typing this.

Feinstein is right, wihtout compromise and tactics you can't get anything done in washington. It's not even worth discussing "Green new deal" policies until you can POSSIBLY vote it into place...instead it's going to take out moderate dems in states that matter
I don’t think it resonates with the majority, we’ll find out soon enough.
Not to beat a horse, but again, that's kind of not what the mid-terms showed. If we assume, that as you say, "Feinstein is right about compromise and tactics", great! I'm all for it. The kicker of course being that for compromise to be reached you have to be dealing with rational actors on both sides. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING ON THE RIGHT! I have said it before, the two sides are not playing the same game. The GOP has descended into zero-sum, absolute winner take all, madness for at least the last decade. It is negotiating with terrorists, and the terrorists are winning. Stand up for something, fight for something. A continuing slide into Democratic obsequiousness to the loones on the right isn't exactly going to convince people that the party will fight for them, will stand up for their values, or can make the future better for them and their families.

(guns etc)
Name a single "etc'.

we're going to LOSE AGAIN. Bernie's legacy will help us lose in 2020 as well
That said the progressives are going to reelect trump if they don’t reign it in.
Maybe I'm the only one who ever took a civics class, but this is what primaries are for! This is how the party shakes out the chaff, the bad ideas, the unpopular policy. I said in 2016 that I thought the DNC was cooking the books for Hillary and they probably were, a little bit at least, but she won it legitimately, shady shit or no. She wasn't my first choice, she wasn't even my second. But she was the democratically chosen candidate. She won the popular vote. So please don't give me this sad shit about how progressives are the problem because she was anything but.

They were promised the world at the March for the Cause du Jour events and are expecting their wishes to be granted. Look at the entitlement in that Feinstein video. They won’t settle for anything less than Now for change, because that’s what they were sold, and the DNC won’t deliver.
I have said this too. I lambasted syadasti for this exact thing. This all or nothing, right now, purity police baloney. THIS is, if not the, a big problem on the left. No candidate or party ever fully delivers and no one should expect them too. Would I like a gigantic shift to a first world country overnight? Of course I would, in the same way I'd like to hit the lotto. It's just not very likely. I don't like Bernie's stance on guns, yet I volunteered for his campaign and gave (and now have given again) uncomfortably large amounts of money based on the size of my check book to him because I feel he is the best available candidate. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to vote for him in a presidential election, perhaps not. But my biggest concern is electing anyone whose last name isn't Trump. That may mean I suck it up and vote for what ever passes for a "democratic centrist" because:
I think it likely that Mr. Trump will be re-elected
50/50, best case. I'll never assume I know whose going to win an election ever again

Please quote that for posterity and we can revisit in 2020.
Done. I'll send you a bottle of something nice if/when I'm wrong.
*edit: to be clear; a trump 2nd term presidental victory over sanders, warren or harris.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i am building a magnificent ham sandwich at the moment....it will probably get my vote again in 2020..


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
That's the argument I'm making! But I get rebuffed with this notion that what the democratic party needs in 2020 is Hillary, but more so. More bland, more limp do-nothing policy, more wall street, more conservatism, more politics as usual will win the day! Somehow.....

Lest we forget, Hillary actually won the popular vote, by damn near 3 million illegals, presumably. Gore also won the popular vote. Almost as if Democratic policy appeals to more people.

I have never said that. But I keep getting words put into my mouth about her not because I'm defending her but because I keep calling bullshit on the scare pieces getting posted here about how she's going to burn the nation to the ground before she was ever even sworn in. How long has she been an elected official in office? 6-7 weeks? And that's my point. Before she was even sworn in at was "ZOMG! SOCALISZMS! HIDE YO WHITE BABAIES! SCARY BROWN WOMAN!". All I have ever said is "For the love of god, wait and see."

Know who came out in spades in 2018 for mid-term democrats? Black men, white women from the 'burbs and their kids.

I don't know anything about this, I haven't watched the video or read anything about it. Just like with that actor guy, literally the first I hear or see of it is a "Libruls are evil!/both sides" post by Dan-o. And before I get my balls busted for admitting that, I'd like to point out that at least two people called it a "hit piece" before I ever even started typing this.

Not to beat a horse, but again, that's kind of not what the mid-terms showed. If we assume, that as you say, "Feinstein is right about compromise and tactics", great! I'm all for it. The kicker of course being that for compromise to be reached you have to be dealing with rational actors on both sides. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING ON THE RIGHT! I have said it before, the two sides are not playing the same game. The GOP has descended into zero-sum, absolute winner take all, madness for at least the last decade. It is negotiating with terrorists, and the terrorists are winning. Stand up for something, fight for something. A continuing slide into Democratic obsequiousness to the loones on the right isn't exactly going to convince people that the party will fight for them, will stand up for their values, or can make the future better for them and their families.

Name a single "etc'.

Maybe I'm the only one who ever took a civics class, but this is what primaries are for! This is how the party shakes out the chaff, the bad ideas, the unpopular policy. I said in 2016 that I thought the DNC was cooking the books for Hillary and they probably were, a little bit at least, but she won it legitimately, shady shit or no. She wasn't my first choice, she wasn't even my second. But she was the democratically chosen candidate. She won the popular vote. So please don't give me this sad shit about how progressives are the problem because she was anything but.

I have said this too. I lambasted syadasti for this exact thing. This all or nothing, right now, purity police baloney. THIS is, if not the, a big problem on the left. No candidate or party ever fully delivers and no one should expect them too. Would I like a gigantic shift to a first world country overnight? Of course I would, in the same way I'd like to hit the lotto. It's just not very likely. I don't like Bernie's stance on guns, yet I volunteered for his campaign and gave (and now have given again) uncomfortably large amounts of money based on the size of my check book to him because I feel he is the best available candidate. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to vote for him in a presidential election, perhaps not. But my biggest concern is electing anyone whose last name isn't Trump. That may mean I suck it up and vote for what ever passes for a "democratic centrist" because:

50/50, best case. I'll never assume I know whose going to win an election ever again

Done. I'll send you a bottle of something nice if/when I'm wrong.
*edit: to be clear; a trump 2nd term presidental victory over sanders, warren or harris.
On phone and kinda drunk so I’ll be brief.

That ‘hit piece’ Feinstein video edit was directly from the group that filmed their visit. They are same people AOC sat-in pelosi’s office with to pressure her on GND during speaker debate.

I posted it as an example of DNC friendly fire against the establishment/leadership by the new left. It was a counterproductive hit piece and that was my point.

With so many candidates trying to be ‘the one’, it’s going to get ugly.

Btw, re smollett, I too don’t watch tv and had no idea who he was. Heard about it on wapo/cnn only as story fell apart, and was intrigued not by the societal implications but rather what a complete idiot this guy is.

The pandering that followed did rustle my jimmies, I’ll admit.

The ‘etc’: foreign policy, business, immigration, entitlements, taxation, big government, criminal justice ..... and that’s not even tapping into the new arrivals agenda.

I don’t think we need another Hillary.
But I don’t think her policies cost her the election. Trump simply dismantled her brilliantly beyond the self inflicted wounds.

Bernie’s a weird one. The gun thing shows me he’s open eyed in the face of political pressure, and I of course approve. His policies are out there but I get the feeling he just wants to move the ball and would be reasonable in implementation. Before he was purged he was my Dem vote.

Yes the gop are obstructionist tools without a doubt. The new house isn’t much better, everything’s a stick in the eye.

My advice to DNC is forget the GOP and work on itself. The GOP bloodies itself regularly so Dems just need to be a functioning, viable alternative to, well, not much.

Completely reinventing the party isn’t necessary in the next 18 months. Just beat the moron and don’t bite off more than you can chew when it comes to promises.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
feinsteins reply to kiddos should have been a shriek of witch like cackling laughter followed by.....child...that shit will not apply to me.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
the fact that they are harrassing feinstein and not a republican is precious...