
Did I just get hit on?

dh girlie

douglas said:
what a crock

if I told one of the harrassment awareness trainers that I was going o shove my bikes seatpost up their arse, would that be harrassment?
Not sure...he might sue you though...it was a lawyer that specializes in government agency workplace harrassment...he woulda had a hay day with the guy who commented on my skirt one day...he said something like hey...nice mini skirt...and I was like this is NOT a mini skirt...(it was slightly above my knees, totally appropriate for work) and he said, jeez...take it easy...I didn't say it was a VAGINA length skirt! I bet that lawyer woulda liked that..

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I just wish everyone would take a chill pill.....people are too interested in trying to make a buck by suing everyone that offends them....yeesh....If I say "Nice ass." Take it as a compliment and move on....don't be all up in my face, "Did you just sexually harass me?!?! I do NOT have a nice ass!! And don't think your lying about it being ugly is going to get you anywhere!!"

"But judge, is that not a nice ass?!?!?!?" :stupid:

If you think this post is not sarcastic, facetious, or funny...then you need help.


Mar 14, 2005
the funny thing is I am sitting here at work getting ready to ride home and my t'shirt says:

"Show me your wits"

Im sure someone might justtake thatthe wrong way.. but to me its all in fun..

hmm I cat wait till I wear the t that has a pic of a road bike and says "put the fun between your legs"

i've gotten dirt looks for that one

dh girlie

hooples3 said:
the funny thing is I am sitting here at work getting ready to ride home and my t'shirt says:

"Show me your wits"

Im sure someone might justtake thatthe wrong way.. but to me its all in fun..

hmm I cat wait till I wear the t that has a pic of a road bike and says "put the fun between your legs"

i've gotten dirt looks for that one
I had a Fox downhill shorts add of Palmer's belly in my cube that I was asked by a lesbian to take down cuz it was kinda offensive...it was focused on his, lucious, lickable, smokin hot tattooed belly, not his crotch...and they were baggies for godssake...not like you could see his wad all squished up in a pair of roadie shorts...jeez...


Mar 14, 2005
dh girlie said:
I had a Fox downhill shorts add of Palmer's belly in my cube that I was asked by a lesbian to take down cuz it was kinda offensive...it was focused on his, lucious, lickable, smokin hot tattooed belly, not his crotch...and they were baggies for godssake...not like you could see his wad all squished up in a pair of roadie shorts...jeez...
lucious and lickable huh???

he is kinda sexy :D


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
dh girlie said:
I had a Fox downhill shorts add of Palmer's belly in my cube that I was asked by a lesbian to take down cuz it was kinda offensive...it was focused on his, lucious, lickable, smokin hot tattooed belly, not his crotch...and they were baggies for godssake...not like you could see his wad all squished up in a pair of roadie shorts...jeez...
You sure it wasn't a Biker Fox poster?


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
PC run amuck...harrassment for saying someone's attire is appealing

sweet jeebus that is just f'ing ludicrous beyond comprehension.

people go OUT OF THEIR WAY to look to be offended now a day.

god that shyte f'ing pisses me off so bad.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
stinkyboy said:
I had a guy "prance" into the office yesterday asking if we needed office supplies, and I replied "No, we're straight" (meaning we're good), and he put his hand on his hip, got pissed and marched out. Kinda funny.
LOL That's pretty funny.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
dh girlie said:
Having just gone through some pretty extensive harrassment awareness training...that guy was totally outta line saying that...in fact, you compliment someone on what they are wearing, that can be construed as harrassment...
That's f*ckin lame. F*ck that sh1t.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
El Jefe said:
Wait, let me get this straight...the guy asked if you wanted to go for a ride in his convertible? Yeah, he was hitting on you....poorly, but definitely hitting on you. Tell him that since you're a lesbian, at first you weren't at all attracted to him...but when you found out he drove a chick car, it made you imagine him in a school-girl outfit and thigh-hi stockings and his repulsiveness was relaced with sickly humorous image of him in school-girl drag.
That was funny. I was gonna say tell him he has to have a sex change first, but your's is better. Though now I have this sudden urge to go by The GF a schoolgirl outfit and leave work early. :sneaky:

dh girlie

Changleen said:
That's f*ckin lame. F*ck that sh1t.
Sure is...if it's someone saying, hey you look nice today...nothing wrong with that...but when you get guys saying stuff like:

1) DAYUM...you look ****en HOT today...
2) what kind of panties do you have on under those baggy overalls...
3) oohhh skirt...you have panties on under that?

Thats when people need to keep their thoughts to themselves. I've heard that **** and numerous other comments in my 4 years here...I've never turned anyone in, I chalk it up to them being stupid...otherwise, I'd be reporting people on a regular basis...not that I'm miss thing, I just work with a lot of dirt bag dudes who hang out with a buncha other dirtbag dudes all day...the nice ones don't say anything...to me and the other girls at least...people have generated this stupidty...the city is afraid of getting sued...lame the whole thing...lame...


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
dh girlie said:
Sure is...if it's someone saying, hey you look nice today...nothing wrong with that...but when you get guys saying stuff like:

1) DAYUM...you look ****en HOT today...
2) what kind of panties do you have on under those baggy overalls...
3) oohhh skirt...you have panties on under that?
You work with biggins? :confused:
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Upon a little investigation I learned that 1. my "admirer" was hitting on a co-worker of mine a few months ago (repeatedly asking her out--she's twenty years younger than him, I might add), causing her to avoid common areas of the building as much as possible for fear of getting cornered by him in the hallway, and 2. that he is married and has kids.

I don't even like being associated with people like that.:angry:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
Upon a little investigation I learned that 1. my "admirer" was hitting on a co-worker of mine a few months ago (repeatedly asking her out--she's twenty years younger than him, I might add), causing her to avoid common areas of the building as much as possible for fear of getting cornered by him in the hallway, and 2. that he is married and has kids.

I don't even like being associated with people like that.:angry:
for all the guff that sexual harassment classes and the like get from the peanut gallery, they're just what's called for (along with an official complaint) for creeps like your admirer


Mar 14, 2005
dh girlie said:
haven't seen him in a while...but he was sooooo hot...something about those bad boys just drives me nuts...check out this old pic I took of him and Joe Lawwill...another hot piece of ass...at the Sea Otter many, many moons ago...

you should come to brooklyn then.. my neighbor looks just like him.. same badboy atitude.... except he isnt into bikes... more into cars


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
dh girlie said:
Sure is...if it's someone saying, hey you look nice today...nothing wrong with that...but when you get guys saying stuff like:

1) DAYUM...you look ****en HOT today...
2) what kind of panties do you have on under those baggy overalls...
3) oohhh skirt...you have panties on under that?

Thats when people need to keep their thoughts to themselves. I've heard that **** and numerous other comments in my 4 years here...I've never turned anyone in, I chalk it up to them being stupid...otherwise, I'd be reporting people on a regular basis...not that I'm miss thing, I just work with a lot of dirt bag dudes who hang out with a buncha other dirtbag dudes all day...the nice ones don't say anything...to me and the other girls at least...people have generated this stupidty...the city is afraid of getting sued...lame the whole thing...lame...
What kind of panties do you have on under those baggy overalls?
Are you wearing panties under that mini skirt?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
dh girlie said:
You're the one who wears chick pants...I think you might want that school girl outfit for yourself...
Hah! Fat lot you know... I already have one for myself! Hah! Would you like me to stop by your house in it? ;)

See, I KNEW I was going to regret the chick pants thing!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
Upon a little investigation I learned that 1. my "admirer" was hitting on a co-worker of mine a few months ago (repeatedly asking her out--she's twenty years younger than him, I might add), causing her to avoid common areas of the building as much as possible for fear of getting cornered by him in the hallway, and 2. that he is married and has kids.

I don't even like being associated with people like that.:angry:
Time for an all-in-house email telling this guy directly that you aren't interested and to leave you alone.

I bet many other women will chime in.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
splat said:
Just got to the Picture thread ( the sticky at teh top) there is a Picture of her in it . and she's cute too ! ( no Capt. Jack not hitting on you)

I'd have to say, you're cute enough for most any man, unfortunately married cretins too, to want to ask you out.

I hate it when married men hit on me.

Wait...that doesn't happen....:think:

Anyhow -

Capt...what do you wear under all that DH gear?



back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
Upon a little investigation I learned that 1. my "admirer" was hitting on a co-worker of mine a few months ago (repeatedly asking her out--she's twenty years younger than him, I might add), causing her to avoid common areas of the building as much as possible for fear of getting cornered by him in the hallway, and 2. that he is married and has kids.

I don't even like being associated with people like that.:angry:
Ewww. Veering towards the sketchy freaky eh?

You don't sound like the "shrinking violet" type but just be straight up and direct, look him in the eyes and tell him you're not interested. If he presses and you're already out, it could definitely help to tell him you're a lesbian, you could also tell him you don't mess with colleagues and don't want any more friends. Let him think you're the ice queen and maybe he'll try to avoid you. There's no way to know if this dude is dangerous or something, gotta nip it in the bud. Make him scared of you not the other way around - you don't want to be like your co-worker.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
OGRipper said:
If he presses and you're already out, it could definitely help to tell him you're a lesbian
That's as bad as the rainbow stickers. It's nobody's business, and it sure shouldn't have to be her "defense" from some jerk.

PS. She is pretty hot!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
douglas said:
I never say arse, I just type it....

and FYI, its people that type or say HAYER thats really gay
No sh*t.

Does DHG go to a restaurant and order a steak rayer?

Is she afraid of bayers?

Does she listen to Ayer Supply?

Does she dress in motley garb and go to the Ren Fayer?

Does she play truth or dayer?

Does she get rid of the fur on her legs with Nayer?

This is all very lame.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
stinkyboy said:
That's as bad as the rainbow stickers. It's nobody's business, and it sure shouldn't have to be her "defense" from some jerk.

PS. She is pretty hot!
I pretty much agree and said something similar earlier today, she can decide if it makes sense to bring it up. With a guy like this you need to squash any fantasies he might have ASAP.