
What's the dumbest thing you've done for a girl/guy?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i've been pretty fortunate in the women/bad decisions arena, but on the music topic, i did submit to going to a george winston (new age piano dreck) concert when i was in college. it got me laid, but i also failed to study for a fluid mechanics class and i stiffed the test.

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
bibs said:

heres the dumbest thign I have ever done, I left my group to go ride A-line solo...over shot a table by 10 feet and got pincushined by a stick.....learned my lesson!
Holy crap dude! I'm sure you didn't do that for a woman, but if you did...

I'm so much better off getting some poo on my weiner, and floor, and sheets and...


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Buck Fever said:
Holy crap dude! I'm sure you didn't do that for a woman, but if you did...

I'm so much better off getting some poo on my weiner, and floor, and sheets and...
Do you two mind... the west coast is trying to eat it's lunch right now!
Buck Fever said:
Holy crap dude! I'm sure you didn't do that for a woman, but if you did...

I'm so much better off getting some poo on my weiner, and floor, and sheets and...
I did for sympathy..ahahah..just kididng..I but when i was all druggd up on the way home from whistler I called my X on accidnet thinking it was my buddy (matt vs. muriel) htey are next to each other in my cell, and that sucked.....ahving to explain that Im on morphine and why i was...


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
i left a girl that was perfect for me to "have a good time"
Thats about the only thing i would want to go back and change in my life....but hell life goes on right?


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
dh girlie said:
I've heard enough of him to know I personally do not like him. Thank god the West Coast is represented by much cooler music...
Thank you Stosh for claiming Billy Joel as the anthem writer for all us Easters. :rolleyes:

We got cool: A Tribe Called Quest, Beastie Boys, De La Soul, ODB and the rest of the Clan, Springsteen, Fugazi, The Toasters, the list goes on...


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
bigginsis said:
i'm always the one getting the guys to do dumb stuff for me. once i drove off and left this panty-waist in his driveway, on his knees crying. :D
I was NOT crying. The cold wind was stinging my eyes. :(


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
BikeGeek said:
Thank you Stosh for claiming Billy Joel as the anthem writer for all us Easters. :rolleyes:

We got cool: A Tribe Called Quest, Beastie Boys, De La Soul, ODB and the rest of the Clan, Springsteen, Fugazi, The Toasters, the list goes on...
mission of burma
blue öyster cult
patti smith
talking heads
sonic youth
harDCore scene
yo la tengo

east coast represent!


Jun 10, 2002
holy ****. i just got an e-mail from the girl i did a lot of dumb stuff for.

Hey! It has been a long long time since Ive emailed you. Ive been really busy. Lots of things have been going on with me. First of all, I got engaged and I am getting married March 12! Its in about 8 weeks. Im really excited, and I know you probabaly think its a crazy thing for me to do, but its gonna be really good. Hes a great guy and he treats me good! I want to give you an invitation, if you want one. That would be great if you could drive up for the reception and say hi. Give me your address so we can send you one. Anyways, so thats pretty much why Ive been busy lately. It takes alot trying to plan a wedding. I already got my dress and I am making the invitations by myself to save some money, so thats keeping me pretty busy. Anyways, I hope lifes treating you as good as its treating me. Talk to ya later!

oh man. i'm floored. i don't know if i want to go or not. i mean, i want to so that i can see her, but man...i don't know if i can see her getting married. oh man. i don't know what to say.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
the Inbred said:
oh man. i'm floored. i don't know if i want to go or not. i mean, i want to so that i can see her, but man...i don't know if i can see her getting married. oh man. i don't know what to say.
Get her drunk at the reception and nail her in the bathroom.

IDB - to honor Buck ;)


Jun 10, 2002
i wish i could do that, but she's too important to me. i want to see her happy, but man...going will/would be a tough pill to swallow.


Monkey Flirt
Aug 1, 2001
BikeGeek said:
Thank you Stosh for claiming Billy Joel as the anthem writer for all us Easters. :rolleyes:

We got cool: A Tribe Called Quest, Beastie Boys, De La Soul, ODB and the rest of the Clan, Springsteen, Fugazi, The Toasters, the list goes on...
Your almost forgiven for the Meatloaf thing....


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
the Inbred said:
i wish i could do that, but she's too important to me. i want to see her happy, but man...going will/would be a tough pill to swallow.
Not to be a total jerk... but how import can she be if you didn't even know she was getting married? She doesn't even know your address...

Sometimes, the past needs to stay there.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
HippieKai said:
i left a girl that was perfect for me to "have a good time"
Thats about the only thing i would want to go back and change in my life....but hell life goes on right?
If she really was perfect for you, then that "good time" of which you speak would have been any "time" spent with her. I'm sure we've all met the right person, but at the wrong time....and timing really is everything. The right person AND the right time are what make her "perfect." Forgive yourself and vanquish all regret. :D

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
the Inbred said:
holy ****. i just got an e-mail from the girl i did a lot of dumb stuff for.

Hey! It has been a long long time since Ive emailed you. Ive been really busy. Lots of things have been going on with me. First of all, I got engaged and I am getting married March 12! Its in about 8 weeks. Im really excited, and I know you probabaly think its a crazy thing for me to do, but its gonna be really good. Hes a great guy and he treats me good! I want to give you an invitation, if you want one. That would be great if you could drive up for the reception and say hi. Give me your address so we can send you one. Anyways, so thats pretty much why Ive been busy lately. It takes alot trying to plan a wedding. I already got my dress and I am making the invitations by myself to save some money, so thats keeping me pretty busy. Anyways, I hope lifes treating you as good as its treating me. Talk to ya later!

oh man. i'm floored. i don't know if i want to go or not. i mean, i want to so that i can see her, but man...i don't know if i can see her getting married. oh man. i don't know what to say.

You did dumb stuff for her before, so learn from that and don't do it again. Tell her "thanks but no-thanks," and then forget about her....well, maybe rub one out while watching a really filthy porn and shouting her name, but then after that, forget about her. :D


Turbo Monkey
InvisibleMan said:
Don't do it. It'll be like picking a scab.
Sometimes you pick at a scab, the puss comes out. Then, with the bad stuff out, it can now heal.
Going might bring some closure. Yeah, yeah, I know, closure is just some fancy pop term for some bull$hit some head shrinker came up w/ to make money. But it may put your past to rest and let you move on...just my thinkin'.


Jun 10, 2002
Slugman said:
Not to be a total jerk... but how import can she be if you didn't even know she was getting married? She doesn't even know your address...

Sometimes, the past needs to stay there.
true dat. last i talked to her, though, in early december, she was not engaged. address...eh, i don't think anyone knows my address except my mom. my best friend couldn't even tell you my address.

i think the "don't waste your time" argument and the "closure" argument are both valid. it's just deciding which i want to do.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dude inbred i would go. just think, and i agree with pau11y on this one, seeing her get married is some good closure and may help you move on. I dont think you are spending every day thinking about her or anything but i still have ex girlfriends that need to be closed on and i would certainly go to their wedding to acheive that. As well if you care about her and want to see her happy then you should be there for her and with her on the happiest day of her life.

plus there will be bridesmaids and we all know what they are for...........


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
the Inbred said:
true dat. last i talked to her, though, in early december, she was not engaged. address...eh, i don't think anyone knows my address except my mom. my best friend couldn't even tell you my address.

i think the "don't waste your time" argument and the "closure" argument are both valid. it's just deciding which i want to do.
go it will be a nice gesture. dont sweat it. Like you told me in the lesbian thread about overthinking things.


Jun 10, 2002
bringing my current g/f. ohhhh man, would that be bad. it'd be like Kujo (Stephen King) vs. Tinkerbell (Hilton).


Jun 10, 2002
current g/f would be Kujo. she hates Alyson with a passion. Alyson's not too aggressive. pretty laid baa...Mandi is a fireball.

this summer, right before i left for my trip, Mandi and i had a huge argument that pretty much broke us up. during the trip, her and i didn't talk much, and i made the mistake of calling Alyson. quite often. and writing her when we, t4k, were in the middle of no where. Mandi doesn't know this. nor does she know that i've visited Alyson a few times while she was home ...the most recent time being a couple days before i left for my trip. that's probably one of the dumber things i've done, knowing it would end my current relationship in a heartbeat. don't regret it, though.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
the Inbred's Invitation said:
Hes a great guy and he treats me good!
Ummm, yeah, I find it a bit scary that she needs to mention that about the dude she's going to MARRY. Wouldn't that just be implied...? (the 'treats me good' part, that is...)

I'd stay far away, man, might just ignore the email or maybe drop a short, polite, and definitely-not-interested note to wish her congrats and luck in the future.

Run away. Run far away.

Sep 29, 2004
the Inbred said:
holy ****. i just got an e-mail from the girl i did a lot of dumb stuff for.

Hey! It has been a long long time since Ive emailed you. Ive been really busy. Lots of things have been going on with me. First of all, I got engaged and I am getting married March 12! Its in about 8 weeks. Im really excited, and I know you probabaly think its a crazy thing for me to do, but its gonna be really good. Hes a great guy and he treats me good! I want to give you an invitation, if you want one. That would be great if you could drive up for the reception and say hi. Give me your address so we can send you one. Anyways, so thats pretty much why Ive been busy lately. It takes alot trying to plan a wedding. I already got my dress and I am making the invitations by myself to save some money, so thats keeping me pretty busy. Anyways, I hope lifes treating you as good as its treating me. Talk to ya later!

oh man. i'm floored. i don't know if i want to go or not. i mean, i want to so that i can see her, but man...i don't know if i can see her getting married. oh man. i don't know what to say.
oh god gotta share my personal life wiht eveyrone to prove its there!

just payin... good luck witht that, i'd say if its gonna be to painful for yoursellf to go spare urself, and her for that matter... from that e-mail it really seems like shes jsut trying to shove it in you're face, so keep youre distance man