
WC dh #2 Champéry


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
The main issue i've heard a few times now, the latest being from Rob on Cnd Cyclist's latest post, is that the course is so steep that every major wreck requires helo evac as rescuers can't get to the injured riders.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Here is that same corner... but from the top...
this kind of tells you how steep this track is..

Garritt! What are you doing online right now? What time is it there?
And is that your head shaven in the pic? Oh...and you staying clipped or switching to flats bro.

Unless this is Richard posing as Garritt?

Come on. tell us more about how the track actually rides bro. What do you think times will be like in the wet? Hardest part. Most dangerous part? Most fun part...

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
from Lopes: "Since USA Cycling is so on top of things, just as in Vigo Spain I was not signed up early enough, giving me #154 to qualify."

what, he couldn't get the sponsors to fork over the cash for the trade team fee? then he could just register himself online. problem solved:lighten:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
New Zealand
From http://www.southerndownhill.com/forum/index.php/topic,117982.60.html

"Well after practice today and lots of big accidents the top riders look very quick. Nico is smooth and effortless and Steve is flying, not much between them really!The Athys are bombing down in formation and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Marielle Sanner is my tip in the womans and out on a limb, Jen McGill looks awesome if she can stay connected to the bike for a whole run! Vanessa Quinn is also back on the circuit after her horrific neck break and looking remarkably relaxed considering....although she did say she loves the track because its relatively slow and lacking massive jumps!!!Tracy Mo is loving it and looking strong whilst Sabrina is looking nervous after a big off yesterday and not her normal self.

Sadly Tom Braithwaite who had such a great result in Vigo has dislocated his elbow in practice this afternoon....Hope its a quick healing injury and he is back in the saddle soon. On the accident front, the helicopter has been very busy with rumour having it that an Irish rider was badly hurt this afternoon and airlifted off the track....I hope this is not the case.

Four x is just starting so I off back to see the action on a very odd track. Combination of gravel, tarmac, concrete and mud!"


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
Minaar's shoulder pops out all the time though... He popped it out, and back in during his race run at Mt Snow last year. Perhaps he'll be back for quali's tomrrow?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
The main issue i've heard a few times now, the latest being from Rob on Cnd Cyclist's latest post, is that the course is so steep that every major wreck requires helo evac as rescuers can't get to the injured riders.
...sounds like fun.

This course looks insane.

I love it! :biggrin:

BIG props to Vanessa Quinn for coming back from a neck injury and pinning it out there on a course like this.

EDIT: Is Rankin covering this for Earthed 5?! It would be awesome to see his coverage of this race...

DH Rules

Jul 13, 2006
On the trails of WNC - Mostly
I know it sounds incredible, but landing 80ft away from where you lost it is a reality on this course. Catch nets saved the day, breaking the fall and the rider got up with a strained neck and climbed back up to fetch his bike 70ft above...damn! I hope someone caught this on video


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
looks like old school vermont loamy fresh track where you come down with 1'' of loam roost from your front tire on your shins!



Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Right. Back at hotel room chilling. XC race is underway at the moment, 4X up later.

Photos do not do this track justice. It is steep. Damn steep. I'm hoping they keep the track open for this summer.

Loads of injuries so far. Anything serious needs a heli. There is no way to reach the bottom of the track except down the track. The helis have been busy.

Rennie riding well with his shoulder injury. Minnaar is ok, going to take today off to chill so his shoulder will be good for tomorrow.

Yes, Lopes beat everyone by 1.5sec. He came down last on a dry track (It was raining during first half of quals for the top guys and he came down last for some reason). Still, he looked damn fast. Longden slipped up on the hipjump in 4X quals, got up quick, but kinda coasted over finishline. He missed out on qualifying by under a second. He'll be gutted.

Today's practice was cut shorter by the lift not working and the riders having to use the cablecar a couple kms away. The track has really dried up and some are switching from the spikes to dries. Most still running flats though...

bizutch: That previous pic was of Clay, Page, Leov, me and some other dude.

Sweet. I'm off for a nap before 4X.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Then this rider came into view almost floating over the roots- hardly any noise and then off into the distance in a flash- that’ll be Nico then…He is here to win and, although Id think he’s not more than an each way bet, I’d love to see it. In typical Vouilloz (understated) manner he is pitted as far away as you could think off- on the very fringe of the pits, up on the Rive Gauche is a small van with one French man tinkering with Fox shocks and another quaffing down a bowl of Pasta…


Nov 15, 2004
Rain is falling steadily in Champery town, not 100% about at the track, should just be an alpine shower, but who knows. If it stays we are screwed. Mens XC on at the mo, 4x will be wank if the rain stays.

Report on transcendmag.com soon.

Crisis over, rain is in sun is out! Happy days!