This is good info, thanks. My go-to setup at the moment is DHR2 EXO+ up front, and DHR2 DD in the rear. I like it. But I wouldn't mind sightly better rolling in the rear... My main concern would be wear of the side knobs. they look kinda dinky. Thoughts?Speaking of trail tire.. I tripple pinched and blew some holes in my exo+ minions f&r last week in a not so rocky area, but was going mach 10. Only option I had for tires for a the weekend was a set of exo reg dissector and exo reg assguy. I tossed them in with a set of cushcore xc's and was amazed by the dissector in the rear. Much more pedal friendly, seems to climb technical sections better and rolls fast as hell. It does cut loose braking much more easily than the dhr2, but the difference in drag/ speed is noticeable and I wouldnt go back to the DHR unless it was absolutely needed. The assguy i have is the barebones, basic b*tch version and I neither love nor hate it... its just meh. All of our trails have been pounded by rain before each ride so everything is super hard packed with lots of sand and dust over it so tough conditions to trust any tire in.