

Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
1) my 20D is here! nothing to shoot now tho, it's all dark outside. i think they call this "night"

2) who can tell me what's going on in this picture? it came up on page 19 of searching on images.google.com for "Toshi" (inspired by a NSMB bb thread about doing just that, searching on your username)



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
first photos out of the 20D:

initial reactions: startup is really quick! the shutter is loud. 5 fps feels fast. control layout has changed quite a bit between the D30 and the 20D. being able to zoom in increments on the image review is nice, as is selecting focus points via the joystick-type thing. it feels solid, a lot like your 10D keith. the rubber on the handgrip is nice. more thoughts later once i get some frames shot at more reasonable isos and apertures (the above were at f/2 and f/1.4, iso 800, shutter speeds 1/40-1/60 iirc). i'll post up 100% crops once i shoot at iso 100 with decent shutter speeds.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Toshi said:
2) who can tell me what's going on in this picture? it came up on page 19 of searching on images.google.com for "Toshi" (inspired by a NSMB bb thread about doing just that, searching on your username)

That looks suspiciously like bicycle polo to me, though sillilier than I would have imagined. :think:


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
Barbaton said:
That looks suspiciously like bicycle polo to me, though sillilier than I would have imagined. :think:
Also...what's going on with those handlebars?

Maybe it's bike polo sans the stick...so you have to kick the ball?

Is one of the guys named Toshi?


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Toshi said:
first photos out of the 20D:

initial reactions: startup is really quick! the shutter is loud. 5 fps feels fast. control layout has changed quite a bit between the D30 and the 20D. being able to zoom in increments on the image review is nice, as is selecting focus points via the joystick-type thing. it feels solid, a lot like your 10D keith. the rubber on the handgrip is nice. more thoughts later once i get some frames shot at more reasonable isos and apertures (the above were at f/2 and f/1.4, iso 800, shutter speeds 1/40-1/60 iirc). i'll post up 100% crops once i shoot at iso 100 with decent shutter speeds.
cool. Too bad you're a med student...

I wouldn't mind seeing 100% crops of the low light shots as well, 'cuz that's where I find the 10D really lacking. Any decent digiSLR can take nice crisp pictures outside in daylight, but when the light gets sketchy the processing and sensor quality really make or break the image.

speaking of low light... I'll have some great cloud/ice shots from our backpacking trip this wknd as soon as I get a chance to process...


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
you need to give us some shots of this feature in action:

"The EOS 20D also features a built-in monochrome mode, a first in Canon Digital SLRs, which uses digital processing to re-create the effects of a number of different black and white filters and toning effects. These features help to take the guesswork out of black-and-white photography, reducing the need for post processing by delivering the desired detail and contrast of a black and white image from the start"


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i'm guessing that the japanese guy on the right is named toshi. also note that their funny bikes have incredibly short gearing and no seats. :eek:

i'll post up 100% crops when i'm sure that shutter speed/camera motion isn't the source of fuzziness :D but will make sure to include some b&w, iso 800, 1600, 3200 (!) for ya. one weird thing is that i am still running photoshop 7 with adobe camera raw 1 so i can't open raw files in photoshop any more. instead i use canon's new "digital photo professional" application. it's much nicer than the old "file viewer utility" but is still kinda weird. i think i need to read the manual :think:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
ooh, orgo. fun. :thumb: hehe. or :dead: . haven't quite made up my mind on that. thanks for hunting down the mystery sport


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
at long last i finally got the klein running. (a week or two ago i straightened out the fork mess and put on a new chainring, but the bike still was lacking enough spacers on the head tube.) road riding feels good :) and my stadium light never ceases to amaze me or blind passers-by


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
Barbaton said:
On further exploration, it appears that they're playing cycle soccer:
Aha...so there is a seat on the silly bikes. It's just a weird laid back seat.

So as far as I understand it, they have to "kick" the ball around with their bike...right? Also, we should all try artistic cycling. :-)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
He probably has "cutting brakes", that apply brake on only one tire.

hey toshi- how are ya? Riding has been kinda low-key around here, I've been busy as hell with school and the weather hasn't cooperated at all. Are you going to be down this way anytime in the near future?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
sadly i'm not heading south anytime soon. well, further south than mt. rainier... school is keeping me quite busy, if not (always) with studying at least with the long hours in the classroom, 8:30-4:30 today for example :dead: . street riding is out since the evil's rear wheel is toast, which is a shame since i live about 500 feet from a really cool concrete bank-to-curb/post thing. i've seen bmxers do lots of nifty tricks there, and i like to ride up the bank, turn around and ride back down again ;)

i did go to whistler two weekends ago with trailhacker, Snacks and oly tho. that was most excellent.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
shot 1: 1/50, f/4, iso 200, -1 ec, -0.66 more when converting.
shot 2: 1/800, f/2.5, iso 200, -1 ec, +0.33 when converting.
shot 3: 1/100, f/4, iso 1600 (!), 0 ec, -0.66 when converting. built in flash.

100% crop

100% crop

100% crop


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
following up on the above, i think the noise for iso 1600 is more than acceptable, even viewed at 100%. :thumb: good job canon


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Toshi said:
following up on the above, i think the noise for iso 1600 is more than acceptable, even viewed at 100%. :thumb: good job canon
That's WAY better than the 10D, but in the DIGIC I's defense, you did use a flash. You got any shots where you actually need to be shooting 1600 (ie, low light, no flash)?

also, what lenses you using?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
look in the background, that wasn't illuminated by the flash. shadow noise is nice and low, mmm. all images so far have been with the 50mm f/1.4 usm.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
[see post title]

From the Late Show with David Letterman (10/13/04):

10. "It's connected to an earpiece so Cheney can feed me answers--crap, I wasn't supposed to say that."

9. "It's a device that shocks me every time I mispronounce a word."

8. "Just a bunch of intelligence memos I haven't gotten around to reading yet."

7. "Mmm, delicious Muenster cheese."

6. "John Kerry initially voted for the bulge in my jacket, then voted against it."

5. "I'll tell you exactly what it is--it's a clear sign this econonmy is moving again."

4. "Halliburton is drilling my back for oil."

3. "Oh like you've never cheated in a presidential debate.

2. "Accidentally took some of Governer Schwarzenegger's 'roids."

1. "If Kerry's gonna look like a horse, then I'm gonna look like a camel."


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i like the fog. not so much a fan of b&w, maybe if you play around with the conversion in channel mixer? :D just in case you feel the need to satisfy my sensibilities


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
WTGPhoben said:
would you prefer cyan and white?
no, i mean that if you convert to b&w using different channels (such as 80% red, 10% blue, 15% green <-- yes, it doesn't add up to 100) then you might be able to get a (black and white) image that has more "pop"


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Toshi said:
no, i mean that if you convert to b&w using different channels (such as 80% red, 10% blue, 15% green <-- yes, it doesn't add up to 100) then you might be able to get a (black and white) image that has more "pop"
that works great for images that were originally very saturated (see below), but with pics taken in heavy fog (visibility about 100ft), everything's already pretty gray, so you don't get a lot of effect from channel mixing (channels are all the same)



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Toshi said:
i got the DoJ response today, and they say "A search of the automated indices to the central records system files at FBI Headquarters located no records responsive to your FOIPA request." that's good i guess, even tho i am slightly disappointed. i am pretty sure that my memories of the cooperstown incident are sound since my parents have talked about it too... :think: go figure.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
since the evil needs a new rim (and thus spokes and nipples) and i foresee it remaining a single speed i am very tempted to go with this hub in place of the XT disc model on there now:

compared to

it's cheap, being a nashbar generic product, has disc mounts (which i need on the disc-only evil) and has the all-important wide flange spacing for more lateral strength. which, judging from my rim's present shape, would be a Good Thing... :think:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
actually, scratch that thought:

xt disc:
weight----------- 432g (36H with skewer) by tech
dimension-------- flange diameter=45mm, center to flange left=30mm
center to flange right=45.8mm
nashbar ss disc:
WT: 649g
Flange to center
34mm Right
38mm Left
i don't see how these measurements are possible, but if true then the ss hub actually has a narrower flange width...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
some "real" low light shots for you, keith

image 1 and 2: iso 3200 (!), 1/50, f/2.8
image 3: iso 1600, 1/60, f/2.0

100% crop, no noise reduction, with noise reduction

100% crop, no noise reduction, with noise reduction

100% crop, no noise reduction, with noise reduction. definitely see some camera shake in here, my bad. blame 1/60 @ 50mm x 1.6x as before.

my thoughts: the iso 3200 shots look as good as my D30's iso 800 shots. considering that the 20D has 2.5 times the number of pixels as the D30 i am very pleased, as that makes the difference is far greater than "just" 2 stops.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
on second thought the 20D's iso 3200 appears more akin to my D30's iso 1600 rather than iso 800. it's still good, and cleans up well. the huge file size makes the feat all the more impressive.

a note about firmware updating under mac os x: i was unable to update the firmware from the .fir file extracted from the .sit file (hosted on canon.co.jp, see dpreview or robgalbraith for a link). however, i was able to update the firmware from the .fir file extracted from the .exe file -- stuffit expander also expands .exe self extracting archives.